Q&A: Gil Santaliz, founder and managing member, NJFX

Q&A: Gil Santaliz, founder and managing member, NJFX

Gil Santaliz, founder and managing member of New Jersey Fiber Exchange (NJFX), talks to Capacity about the company’s successes in 2015 and it plans for development this year.

January 5, 2017

What have been the company’s three key highlights for 2015?

2015 was a year of substantial growth for the subsea cable industry, and therefore interconnection within the data centre. We saw a resurgence of investment in transatlantic subsea cable systems to Europe and South America, evidenced by the recent Seaborn Networks and Aqua Comms announcements highlighting route and cable diversity. Our timing is impeccable.

NJFX’s key 2015 highlights include:

1. Tata Communications investing in making its Wall, New Jersey, international Cable Landing Station (CLS) a full Point of Presence (PoP) with 100G IP, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), carrier-grade Ethernet, and global capacity

2. Windstream investing in 100G capacity on their unique routes between Ashburn and NJFX in Wall, New Jersey, bypassing legacy, congested routes in New York, Northern New Jersey, and more

3. Growing interest from metro providers seeking to partner with NJFX to build diverse on and off fiber ramps into the data center in 2016.

What are your main goals for 2016?

The first half of 2016 will be focussed on interconnecting through NJFX’s Meet-Me Room (MMR) at the Tata Communications’ CLS in Wall, NJ, to key US metro markets for customers that would like to avoid traditional routes for diversity. Midyear, NJFX will cater to our strategic “Tier 3 by the Subsea” customers with special requirements for secure and connectivity-rich deployments. To close out 2016, NJFX will open its doors to all customers that would like take advantage of the subsea cable system connections and MMR, which provide unique metro fiber options to places they want to go.

How do you expect the US metro market to develop in 2016? …

Read More: www.capacitymedia.com/…


About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

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Connectivity for the Holidays

Connectivity for the Holidays

December 21, 2016

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell… How are you going to jingle bell rock out without proper connectivity this holiday season? Christmas just isn’t Christmas without streaming music, video chatting, and your Pinterest wish list! All joking aside, the Internet really has revolutionized Christmas, in so many ways. It’s the time to get connected and have a swell time this holiday season.

Busy sidewalks, the slog to the shopping mall, the treachery that is finding a parking spot, and fighting over the last Cabbage Patch Doll is no longer necessary, in fact, neither are pants. According to statista.com, 23.3% of all shopping is done online, and that number rises annually. Silver bells are now delivered directly to your door.

While there’s no place like home for the holidays, there are any number of reasons that being away from your family is a reality. Nowadays, you’re but a video call away. Your computer, your tablet, even your phone act as your portal right into your elementary student’s holiday concert, your Grandma’s dinner table, or your parents’ living room. Home for the holidays doesn’t necessarily need to mean you’re physically home sweet home any more.

Last Christmas you mailed out your cards; Think of how expensive that postage was! Not to mention getting them signed, sealed, and off to the post office. E-cards have been around for a while, but e-cards of 2016 are far different from e-cards of Christmas past. Now, not only do you have a plethora of generic online options, you also have access to graphic designers all over the world thanks to online marketplaces. Save some cash, save some clutter, and rest assured that no one will be giving these away the very next day.

The chestnuts are roasting on an open fire, jack frost has sufficiently nipped at your nose, and the yuletide carols are being streamed directly to your mobile device. Making holiday playlists is akin to the holiday mix tapes and burnt CDs from days of yore, but way easier. With a click of your mouse, or the tap of your finger suddenly curates your holiday favorites, from Dolly & Kenny to Bing & Bowie, your eyes and ears will be all a-glow.

Connectivity has changed and evolved the holidays, and allowed families to create new traditions. All of the Christmas connectivity is possible thanks to flexible, reliable and secure networks.

Although it’s been said many times, many ways, NJFX wishes you a merry holiday season, and a happy connected 2017!


About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

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Eliminating Backhaul for Low Latency, Financial Networks

Eliminating Backhaul for Low Latency, Financial Networks

December 14, 2016

Low latency is a common concern for many network providers, especially those who support customers within the finance sector, who heavily rely on speedy connections to maintain a competitive advantage and achieve optimal business performance. To successfully offer that low latency financial institutions crave, network providers always have to go back to the question of backhaul.

The key to maintaining a low latency network is having a clear and short fiber route. A clear fiber route has by far the biggest impact on latency and if a data center has two routing options, then the shortest one of the two is always the better option.

Unfortunately, fiber is not always routed along the most direct path between locations, and the cost of rerouting fiber can be very high, which has caused some operators to build new low latency fiber routes between key financial centers and employ low-latency systems to run over these links. Luckily, in NJFX’s case, we took this into account when building our Tier III facility in Wall, NJ.

NJFX offers a unique opportunity, as our campus sits atop the landing points of subsea cables from around the globe, allowing customers to bypass bottlenecks like New York, Newark and Piscataway, thereby eliminating the need for traditional backhaul solutions. By facilitating direct interconnection options at the cable-end and eliminating the need for backhaul altogether, control is put back in the hands of the carrier-neutral operators, enterprises and of course, financial firms.

As you can guess, the facility’s location and proximity to key subsea cable landing points is a highly sought after location that fosters domestic and international strategic partnerships for interconnection. This allows financial exchanges between the US, Europe and LATAM to have lower latency going through NJFX’s data center in Wall than, say, one in other locations across the Northeast. That isn’t all either, to compliment its already robust low latency network, NJFX will be investing in the development of a strategically placed monopole. Stay tuned for more details!

To learn more about how we can eliminate unnecessary backhaul for your business, visit www.NJFX.net and don’t forget to connect with us on Twitter and LinkedIn!

Sites used: http://www.rcrwireless.com/20140513/network-infrastructure/backhaul-network-definitions-cellular-backhaul-definition




About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

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DataCenter Frontier: The Cloud Brings Colo to Cable Landings

DataCenter Frontier: The Cloud Brings Colo to Cable Landings

As the cloud wars extend under the ocean, colo is coming to cable landings. At sites stretching from Canada to the tip of Florida, colocation providers are building data centers at the sites where undersea fiber optic cables arrive in North America.

December 9, 2016

These projects reflect the expanding geography of the data center business, as content providers and cloud companies seek new ways to move data around the world. Facebook, Microsoft, Google and Amazon are all investing in undersea cables, in some cases seeking new landing sites to diversify their network infrastructure.

Several entrepreneurs see an opportunity in this trend. Cable landing sites usually feature minimal infrastructure, perhaps a manhole near the beach where they come ashore and sometimes a small facility operated by the phone company or cable owner. From there, fiber routes carry the data to carrier hotels in major cities like New York or Los Angeles.

The Continental Edge

“I see a new edge,” said Hunter Newby, a principal in Fibre Centre, a neutral colo facility at a landing station in Moncton, Canada. “It’s called the continental edge. This is why I focus on subsea cables. Neutral colo facilities are moving away from the carrier hotels and moving closer to the cables. They literally cut out the toll fees.”

“If you want to go from Ashburn to London, why should you have to go through New York?” said Gil Santaliz, the founder of NJFX (New Jersey Fiber Exchange) in Wall Township, N.J.

“We believe we provide another local option for colocation customers in northern New Jersey and Philadelphia,” Santaliz added. “You can connect your networks in the first and last place your data lands in the U.S.”

The new NJFX data center (at left) next to the Tata Communications undersea cable landing station in Wall Township, N.J. (Photo: Rich Miller)

NJFX is the largest and most ambitious of those projects. It’s a 64,000 square foot Tier III data center built next to a cable landing station operated by Tata Communications. The facility is about a mile from the ocean, and with 10 megawatts of power capacity, and could support as many as 1,000 customers, according to Santaliz.

“This building is about interconnecting networks in the most unique place,” said Santaliz. “We intersect a subsea cable. There are only so many places where they actually land.”

Santaliz was previously the CEO and founder of 4Connections, a metro fiber network provider that was acquired in 2008 by Optimum Lightpath, a unit of Cablevision. Santaliz explored several opportunities in the data center business before building NJFX. He believes cable landings are an emerging focus for companies seeking to move oceans of data.

Controlling the Undersea Pipes

“There’s an explosion of content,” said Santaliz. “You see content providers investing in subsea systems around the world. Not being able to get across the oceans is unacceptable. They need to have more control. In the past, there were only a select few who could afford to be here.”

NJFX is carrier-neutral, providing broad access to its connectivity. “You don’t want a carrier controlling this facility,” he said.

Santaliz found a kindred spirit in Newby, an industry veteran who played a key role in building Telx at 60 Hudson Street in New York, one of the first major interconnection facilities.

“Hunter’s a great friend,” said Santaliz. “His vision was always to do something like this.”

Newby’s newest project also offers a route around the big-city carrier hotels, only coming from the North. Fibre Centre is a 23,000 square foot neutral colo facility in Moncton, New Brunswick, which sits atop several cables that cross the Atlantic and cut through Canada’s Maritime provinces en route to New York and points south.

A row of cabinets inside the Fibre Centre data center, located atop a cable route through Moncton, Canada. (Photo: Fibre Centre)

Newby saw Moncton as the perfect place to connect the subsea cables to their terrestrial carrier networks, and enable service providers to store data at that intersection.

“The problem is that the shared infrastructure for undersea cables, until recently, has been owned by the phone company,” said Newby. “That’s the perfect opportunity for neutral colo.”

Moncton isn’t going to explode into a major market like the colo clusters in Ashburn, Virginia or Silicon Valley. But it offers the closest carrier-neutral colo to Europe, which is attractive to some global players.

Smaller Market With Network Rewards

“It’s a much smaller market by size and trajectory,” said Newby. “That’s why the (data center) REITs can’t plant seeds there. This opportunity is not for everyone. It’s not a generic REIT product or a small business product. It’s for network architects.

“I’ve been exploring this concept for years and doing my due diligence,” said Newby, who partnered with fellow telecom entrepreneur Uri Litvinenko on the project. “As luck would have it, the Lottery Authority in Moncton was selling its headquarters and data center.”

The building already had a backup generator and 3 megawatts of power. Hurricane Electric and Hibernia are among the customers, along with numerous local businesses.

Expansion space at the Fibre Centre facility in Moncton, a city in New Brunswick, Canada. (Photo: Fibre Centre)

Newby also operates the 1025 Connect, a carrier-neutral colo facility near cable landing sites in Long Island, an effort he launched in 2009. He thinks that was ahead of the market, but says the business opportunities at cable landings were showcased by the 2012 launch of an Equinix data center at a subsea cable landing in Boca Raton, Fla. The profile of cable systems has also been boosted by the investments by hyperscale Internet companies.

“It is very interesting to see the content providers getting involved in undersea cables,” said Newby. “It’s about control and economies of scale.”

Owning part of an undersea cable ensures that companies like Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft will always have access to trans-Atlantic connectivity, and don’t rely on a third party for that connectivity – as could be the case at a landing point controlled by a single carrier.

This map at NJFX details the many undersea cables that connect at landing stations along the East Coast. (Photo: Rich Miller)

One city that has emerged as a potential beneficiary of this trend is Virginia Beach, Virginia. That’s the U.S. landing point for the new MAREA cable backed by Microsoft and Facebook, which connects with Spain.

Telefonica recently announced plans for a 23,000 square foot data center at the cable landing site, while EdgeConneX has just completed a facility about 15 miles away in Norfolk. Local officials expect additional data centers to arrive soon.

“This project significantly advances Virginia Beach’s potential for future projects of this kind,” said Virginia Beach Economic Development Director Warren D. Harris. “These companies cluster, and we plan to leverage the Telefónica announcement to bring more data centers to the City. Additionally, we anticipate even more interest because the stronger telecom infrastructure will have great appeal to businesses that require big data.”

Virginia Beach: These companies cluster, and we plan to leverage this to bring more data centers to the city.CLICK TO TWEET

The Virginia Beach site is being positioned as an additional gateway for companies seeking to move data between Europe and “Data Center Alley” in Ashburn, Virginia, which is the largest U.S. data center market.

Santaliz says that if you want to improve your Trans-Atlantic data transfer to Ashburn, you don’t have to wait for the 2018 arrival of MAREA. Ashburn and Virginia Beach may be in the same state, he said, but they are 229 miles apart, while it is 230 miles from Ashburn to the active NJFX site.

Either site will offer important new options for network builders, he said.

“Ashburn seems to be the hot spot for big pipes,” said Santaliz. “Traditionally, you had to go to New York. Now you don’t.”


About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

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Local Connections: Benefits of Direct Peering

Local Connections: Benefits of Direct Peering

November 29, 2016



In today’s hyper- connected world, content flows freely across the seemingly countless autonomous networks around the globe, making its way from data centers halfway across the world to our tablets, phones and other connected devices in the blink of an eye. In order for this to happen, multiple networks must connect – that’s where peering comes in.

While there are various types of peering, direct peering is often considered the most preferable as it enables enhanced network performance. When traffic is peered directly (or locally), it traverses the shortest path between two networks – allowing for lower latency and higher availability. Avoiding congested and disjointed peering landscapes, often associated with large cities, can also give networks a leg up.

These advantages are beneficial to a wide variety of customers however, they are particularly attractive to over-the-top (OTT) service providers whose apps and content are delivered over the Internet. Today’s consumers expect the ability to view high-quality content any time, anywhere, which means OTTs cannot risk added latency or potential choke points in the network. Direct peering enables these providers to meet their growing demands – and considering the time spent viewing content on connected devices has increased 719% since 2011, these demands are on the rise.

OTTs and network operators looking for peering opportunities on the Eastern seaboard with extensive international reach should look no further than NJFX’s brand new Tier 3 carrier-neutral colocation campus. NJFX offers tenants subsea access to leading service providers within Tata Communications’ CLS, which offers direct, redundant routes to Ashburn by five fiber-based providers. Customers have the opportunity to peer directly with high capacity, low latency networks without recurring cross connect fees. Moreover, NJFX is an ideal alternative to facilities in lower Manhattan. Routing traffic around New York City eliminates a potential choke point to the network, as its aging infrastructure poses a risk in the event of a force majeure.

Interested in direct peering through NJFX? Click here to contact us today.



About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

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To Capacity Europe and Beyond!

To Capacity Europe and Beyond!

November 17, 2016

As we turned the corner into November, our management team, CEO & founder, Gil Santaliz and Vice President of Sales and Customer Relations, Doug Corbett prepared for our final conference of the season. The three-day event known as Capacity Europe, took place on November 7-9th in Paris, France. With a record attendance of 2,000 senior level guests, 500 companies and 80 countries, the show was not one to disappoint.

Attendees included several key service providers, OTT players, cloud and security providers, as well as enterprises. This array of critical industry leaders provided our team with optimal networking opportunities and served as the perfect audience to receive our latest news, NJFX’s partnership with Tata Communications. This new partnership enabled Tata to open its core network presence at the NJFX Cable Landing Campus (CLC) in Wall, NJ. This news is particularly important because it will now allow the development and strategic shifts in global network architecture, enabling “hair pin” route design between continents for latency reduction, disaster avoidance and recovery, as well as operating cost reduction.

“Tata Communications has played an integral role in bringing NJFX to the market from day one and this next step is a natural progression for our relationship,” said Santaliz

If you happened to miss us at the show don’t fret because, as we head into the New Year, you can believe us when we say our schedules are not slowing down. In January, you’ll find our management team at the annual event, Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC), taking place in Hawaii. We look forward to all the networking opportunities the premier telecommunications event will bring so much so, that we even have our own meeting room!


About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

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Tata Communications Deploys Interconnection POP in NJFX’s Colocation Campus

Tata Communications Deploys Interconnection POP in NJFX’s Colocation Campus

November 7, 2016

WALL, NJ – November 07, 2016 – New Jersey Fiber Exchange (NJFX), the first Tier 3 carrier-neutral subsea colocation campus linking the United States, Europe, South America and the Caribbean, announces that Tata Communications, a leading global, terrestrial and subsea network operator, has opened its core network presence at the NJFX Cable Landing Campus (CLC) in Wall, NJ. The POP provides interconnection to Tata Communications’ carrier-grade Ethernet, MPLS, IP transit and to TGN network. This is a significant development and strategic shift in global network architecture enabling “hair pin” route design between continents for latency reduction, disaster avoidance and recovery, as well as operating cost reduction.

NJFX’s Tier-3, carrier-neutral campus affords international carriers the unique opportunity to set a new standard by accessing Tata Communications’ transatlantic network services, which can be handed off to U.S. carriers at the CLC. Working with one of the seven major U.S. carriers present at NJFX, international carriers and major content providers can now deliver direct routes from the CLC bypassing legacy infrastructure and avoiding New York City as a single point of failure for their global network traffic.

For Tata Communications, the POP at NJFX extends its industry leading vision to provide A New World of Communications™ to its entire customer base. By connecting directly, customers now can gain greater control of their networks through seamless connections and enhanced visibility, resulting in optimal network performance.

“Tata Communications has played an integral role in bringing NJFX to the market from day one and this next step is a natural progression for our relationship,” states Gil Santaliz, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of NJFX. “We have invited all international carriers to join us in establishing the same high standards, which Tata Communications has fully embraced.”

“The deployment of an interconnection POP in the NJFX facility enables us to provide customers with enhanced connectivity options locally, regionally and internationally,” adds Matthew Ma, Vice President of International Transmission Product, Engineering and Cable Planning for Tata Communications. “The option to connect directly provides customers with the ability to bypass New York City, a potential choke point, in the event of a force majeure.”

NJFX is attending Capacity Europe in Paris on November 7-9, 2016.


About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

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New Jersey Fiber Exchange Welcomes Lightower Fiber Networks to its Fast Growing Ecosystem

Operating the NJFX CLS Campus

The new connection to NJFX’s Carrier-Neutral Meet-Me-Room enhances connectivity options in the U.S. for Lightower’s domestic and international customer base

October 25, 2016

WALL, NJ – October 26, 2016 – New Jersey Fiber Exchange (NJFX), the first Tier 3 carrier-neutral colocation campus that intersects where subsea cables from the United States, Europe, South America and the Caribbean meet, announces Lightower Fiber Networks, the premier provider of all-fiber, high-performance networking solutions delivered over its own network, as the latest network to join its robust ecosystem. By establishing a Point of Presence (PoP) in NJFX’s cable landing campus in Wall Township, New Jersey, Lightower can now extend the reach of its all-fiber solutions for international clients seeking enhanced connectivity to major markets in the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic and Midwest U.S.

Lightower is the first all-fiber, high-performance networking solutions provider to establish lit services in NJFX’s Tier-3, carrier-neutral facility. The provider will be turning up dark fiber to Ashburn, Virginia, a must-have location for domestic and international customers no longer wishing to rely on traditional backhaul options. The PoP provides Lightower customers with reliable and diverse connectivity options in a highly-secure facility, offering a new edge and greater control of their networks.

“NJFX actively seeks partners, such as Lightower, that share the same customer-first mindset and place custom solutions and world-class support at the forefront,” states Gil Santaliz, Founder and Chief Executive Officer for NJFX. “The range of Lightower’s network coverage throughout major metro and emerging markets, and the depth of its portfolio of high-performance, all-fiber networking solutions will boost the connectivity options available not only to international businesses requiring enhanced U.S. reach, but also to NJFX’s fast-growing ecosystem.”

“Lightower’s PoP at NJFX helps expand the options we can offer to our own customers, while also bringing Lightower solutions to NJFX customers,” explains Doug Turtz, Senior Vice President Enterprise Sales, Lightower. “Now, all customers who reside or interconnect in this new facility have access to the complete suite of Lightower’s all-fiber solutions, including dark fiber, Ethernet and waves to 100G, and access to more than 22,000 service locations.”

NJFX’s “Tier 3 by the Subsea” colocation campus provides the unique opportunity to interconnect directly at the cable head to service providers, enterprises, carrier-neutral operators, and cable companies.  This new edge empowers customers to take control of their networks by no longer being required to rely on traditional backhaul solutions or traverse the congested New York City landscape. Through its managed Meet-Me Room within Tata Communications’ international CLS, NJFX offers tenants highly resilient, low-latency global connectivity to more than 240 countries and territories, as well as 99.7 percent of the world’s GDP by way of one of the largest and most advanced subsea fiber networks.

For more information on the NJFX colocation campus, visit http://www.njfx.net/.


About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

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NJFX to Discuss Edge Computing and the Future of Data Centers at IMN’s 7th Annual Provider Forum, October 18 in Santa Rosa, CA

NJFX to Discuss Edge Computing and the Future of Data Centers at IMN’s 7th Annual Provider Forum, October 18 in Santa Rosa, CA

October 5, 2016

WALL, NJ – October 05, 2016 – New Jersey Fiber Exchange (NJFX), the first Tier 3 carrier-neutral colocation campus that intersects where subsea cables from the United States, Europe, South America and the Caribbean meet, announces that its Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Gil Santaliz, will speak at IMN’s 7th Annual Provider Forum on Data Centers and Cloud Services Infrastructure , taking place in Santa Rosa, California, on October 17 – 18. The event attracts many of the industry’s C-level executives and offers attendees unique insight into business strategies, cost-effective investments and opportunities for future-proofing the network.

Mr. Santaliz brings a plethora of industry knowledge and expertise to IMN’s forum, including therecent launch of NJFX’s colocation campus “Tier 3 by the Subsea.” He will join fellow executives on the “Growth Prospects in Urban vs. Edge Markets” panel, taking place at 12:25 p.m. on Tuesday, October 18. The discussion will address the challenges faced in today’s colocation and cloud marketplace, paying specific attention to edge computing and will provide attendees with key takeaways for business expansion and strategies for mitigating economic roadblocks.

“NJFX offers an interesting perspective, as we have just launched our ‘Tier 3 by the Subsea ‘colocation campus – the first of its kind to intersect where subsea cables from around the globe meet,” says Santaliz. “I look forward to educating IMN attendees on the challenges faced when engineering and scouting for such a strategic site merge. I believe this conversation will provide them with a broader understanding of what future data centers will look like.”

NJFX’s new facility features the latest in mission critical infrastructure design and enables connectivity to more than 240 countries and territories, as well as 99.7% of the world’s GDP. For more information about NJFX and its carrier-neutral “Tier 3 by the Subsea” data center, visit www.NJFX.net.


About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

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NJFX to Discuss Edge Computing and the Future of Data Centers at IMN’s 7th Annual Provider Forum, October 18 in Santa Rosa, CA Read More »

Take Us Back to the NJFX Launch!

Take Us Back to the NJFX Launch!

September 21, 2016

On September 21st, one year after breaking ground on its Tier 3, carrier-neutral facility, the NJFX team welcomed guests to what was considered by all, a data center launch to remember. The two-story, 64,800-sq. ft. colocation facility located in Wall, New Jersey opened its doors for the first time to mark the completion of the second phase of the NJFX campus build out.


With a number of key sponsors including Tata Communications, Lightpath, Windstream, Sparkle and more, the event was guaranteed to not disappoint. And even though the room was filled with scrumptious food, beverages and strategic networking opportunities, NJFX Founder and CEO, Gil Santaliz, took the celebration a few steps further.

None other than Formula One race car legend himself, Mr. Mario Andretti, made an appearance and participated in an intimate fireside chat – moderated by JSA CEO Jaymie Scotto Cutaia and featuring Mr. Santaliz and COO of Tata Communications, John Hayduk – to discuss career highlights, challenges and what “drove” him to become the fastest.


As part of sponsoring the event, Tata Communications installed its virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) F1® experiences that gave attendees the opportunity to feel the adrenaline rush of racing in the Grand Prix. Attendees raced for the fastest time and those that stayed high on the leaderboard went home with a F1 helmet signed by Mr. Andretti himself.

“This launch event was crucial for our team. It not only marked the day that we accomplished our goal of building the first Tier 3 carrier neutral colocation campus that intersects where subsea cables from around the globe meet,” comments Santaliz. “But it also allowed our friends and family to see that hard work really does pay off with enough focus, determination and help from your friends and colleagues.”

Get the latest NJFX news by checking out our blog and following us on TwitterLinkedIn and Facebook.



About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

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