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2022 Verizon Partner Summit

2022 Verizon Partner Summit

The Partner Summit focuses on how to leverage our partnerships and build additional relationships with our customers including workshops and a session that cover; Verizon’s strategy, customer experience marketplace & IT roadmap product roadmaps, Breakouts, Exec Panel and External Keynote Speakers. 

Event Details:

PGA National

400 Ave of the Champions, Palm Beach Gardens, FL

September 26-28, 2022

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NANOG 84 Austin – 2022

Join us in Austin, Texas at NANOG 84 : “Working together to build the Internet of tomorrow®.” Meet the team at NJFX. Request A

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Luminaries in Telecom “Field’s Quest”

Luminaries in Telecom: Field's Quest

the man who laid the first Transatlantic cable

Kevin Ayerdis

Site Access

July 22, 2022

WALL TOWNSHIP, NJThe year is 1850, the dream of instantaneous communication is on the horizon, a cable stretching across the Atlantic. It’s been said this achievement is comparable to the landing of man on the moon. Leading the charge on this ineffable voyage, an ambitious young entrepreneur by the name of Cyrus West Field. 

Field’s quiet life as a semi-retired papermaker was upended upon meeting with an engineer by the name of Frederick Gisborne, who at first aimed to convince Field to help in establishing a telegraph connection between St. John’s, Newfoundland, and New York City. Field saw the potential of Gisborne’s initial mission and expanded upon it tenfold. Field spent over a decade traversing the Atlantic over 30 times, recruiting backers from both sides of the sea. Those investors in what became the Atlantic Telegraph Company supported what would later become one of the greatest engineering feats of the 19th century, The Transatlantic Cable. This project, however, was not without struggle.

After commissioning other like minds, (names that will likely be featured in time) among them the most notable, the originator of the telegraph himself Samuel Morse. Field cobbled together the “Cable Cabinet,” a burgeoning gathering of entrepreneurs, investors, and engineers. Through this newly formed faction, Field soon became key in the laying of Gibson’s initial conception, a 400-mile telegraph line connecting St. John’s, Newfoundland to Nova Scotia, integrating with telegraph lines from the U.S. After this initial undertaking was completed, Field set his sights on completing his masterwork, convincing the Cable Cabinet to extend the line from Newfoundland to Ireland. Field promised investors the cable would be completed by the end of 1857. Unfortunately for Field and Co. and company, this wasn’t a promise easily kept the foundations of laying the Transatlantic Cable proved to be troubled as repeated setbacks pushed the project back years. 

The initial plan was to load half of the cable onto each of two ships, Agamemnon, and USS Niagara, joining the two lengths of cable together at sea. The cable broke not but 24 hours late of leaving Ireland. There was not enough cable left to try again so the project was pushed back a year to allow for planning and creation of new line. Another attempt appeared successful as Queen Victoria successfully sent a telegram in 1858 of congratulations to President Buchanan through the newly installed line. It took about 18 hours for this “text” to fully sent through the line and as fate would have it a few weeks later the signal gave out. It was found later that the electrical engineer of the team had miscalculated the proper voltage necessary which led to the structural melt down. Additional attempts to connect Europe with the Americas had faced struggles with more broken lines which were spliced and broken time and time again…

Now years into the project, the American Civil War started, and throughout Field remained as determined as ever. He even played an important part in the war efforts as his activities brought him into contact with several prominent persons on both sides of the conflict. First being conceptualized in 1853, after trudging through a Civil War, financial and communication challenges, cumulatively five arduous and expensive attempts in all, the project ultimately reached completion in 1866. 

Field already had gained some notoriety, but the completion made him an international celebrity for “linking the world.” Field’s quest is thankfully a triumph for us all, if not for his resolve through all the years of trials and tribulations. Speculatively speaking, we may not have seen a similar cable laying project completed for years possibly decades following, especially considering the rippling impacts of the American Civil War. Field is unfortunately not as much a household name these days as Samuel Morse or Alexander Graham Bell, but he is still remembered throughout history having received a gold medal from the U.S. Congress and the grand prize at the International Exposition in Paris for his work on the transatlantic cable. 

Of course, there is much more to the story, and we may return to the story of the First Transatlantic Cable in the future but for now this concludes our first feature in the “Luminaries in Telecom” series. Please feel free to add to the conversation! Had you heard of Cyrus W. Field before? What did you take away from his resolve? Sound off in the comments below with any fun facts/specifics that may have been missed! Any suggestions for a person in Telecom history you think deserves a feature send a message to [email protected].



About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

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Operating the NJFX CLS Campus

Operating the NJFX CLS Campus

Ryan Imkemeier Explains the Importance of Equipment Maintenance, Vendor Relationships, Electrical Distribution & Managing the Team

Ryan Imkemeier

Cable Landing Station Manager

July 22, 2022

 July 11, 2022

WALL TOWNSHIP, NJ – Teamwork and trust among a hands-on workforce are fundamental to managing the operations of the cable landing station (CLS) colocation campus, given the complexity of maintenance and testing needed to connect telecommunications networks with undersea cables.

“When running a CLS and Colocation campus, it is crucial to understand the building and know-how your systems function. You should also not be scared to operate hands-on when needed, especially in an emergency,” NJFX CLS Manager Ryan Imkemeier said.

A Lasting Vendorship

Ryan Imkemeier emphasizes the importance of understanding what vendors are expected to accomplish and validating the maintenance was completed correctly. The vendors at NJFX are all on a maintenance contract schedule and come into our facility on a quarterly or bi-annual basis. This is dependent on the sort of work that must be done.

“I am lucky to have worked in this profession for so long; I see vendors I have known for 15+ years who I trust and who are knowledgeable about the equipment, so I don’t have to worry,” said Ryan Imkemeier, who noted that building a relationship among vendors is critical.

“When I initially began at NJFX, I went out of my way to introduce myself and create expectations for our vendors; generally, you have the same technician come to our CLS to maintain that connection,” Ryan Imkemeier said, “Ultimately, knowing the equipment yourself is critical so that you do not have to rely on vendors.”

NJFX Never Down

To ensure NJFX maintains the reliability to keep signals flowing across networks, the Operations team is in the process of installing an additional phase of electrical distribution. The team is working closely to make sure adding another 500 kilowatts UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) – increasing backup capacity goes smoothly.

The transfer from utility power to generator power takes about 15 seconds, during which time the UPS batteries carry the load, ensuring we maintain our resilience until the generator kicks on transferring the load. This ensures no interruptions of power to NJFX customers during a utility outage.

Ryan Imkemeier said, “Usually, a third-party electrical contractor would complete a project like this. We are better trained by doing it ourselves and are proud of the work being completed. There is no better way of understanding your systems than by installing in-house.”

Working With the Operations Team

Ryan’s experience spans far and wide when it comes to CLS. He has had the pleasure of working for large companies, such as TATA Communications and AT&T, but nothing beats the benefits of a small, smart team.

“The most significant advantage of working with NJFX is that you have a voice. You have the opportunity to share out-of-the-box concepts and run with them. You have full responsibility and the professionals to support and guide, such as Bala (Consulting Engineers), who designed NJFX,” Ryan Imkemeier said.

A smaller company can be beneficial from a managerial standpoint because you can develop interpersonal relationships with your team and learn what strengths they can bring to the table.

“After being in the field for so long, you begin to acquire new talents based on your experiences. When it comes to problem-solving, my team is fantastic,” Ryan Imkemeier said. “We can work together since we have vast knowledge, Kris is generally on the electrical side, Brad is strong in ventilation, heating, and cooling, and I am knowledgeable in the electrical and optical installation and maintenance. The three of us make an excellent Operations team.”


About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

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Experts in Infrastructure from the Data Center to the Desktop Interviews CEO Gil Santaliz

Experts in Infrastructure from the Data Center to the Desktop Interviews CEO Gil Santaliz

Strongbow Group, Managing Director of Engagement Strategy, Barry Platzman, recently sat down with the Founder & CEO of New Jersey Fiber Exchange (NJFX), Gil Santaliz to discuss his unique perspective on global connectivity and the nuances of designing network solutions for optimal performance.

Gil Santaliz


Strongbow Group Newsletter – Summer 2022

Published on June 28, 2022

Wall Township –

BP: So Gil, can you start by giving us a primer on NJFX?

GS: NJFX is a subsea cable landing station for the North American market, located here in NJ. Unlike traditional landing stations, owned and operated by established carriers like AT&T and Verizon, NJFX is a completely neutral environment. This neutrality creates an open environment that gives our customers confidence and ensures there is no conflict of interest between operator and landlord. Over time, we have expanded our operation to include 30+ operators in a diverse hub that offers “middle mile infrastructure”.

BP: When enterprise customers buy global connectivity, do you think they understand what they are buying?

GS: Good question, I would have to say that often they do not. They certainly know the beginning point “A” and an endpoint “Z”, but they don’t understand the underlying infrastructure between those points, and over time, obfuscation only increases. At NJFX, we work with our clients in great detail to make sure they understand everything that is happening from our location to their endpoint, including cable capacity, bandwidth, others using the same path, and unique geographical vulnerabilities. In the past, an enterprise might know the specific cable they’re riding, but the underlying paths and subtending carriers are frequent blind spots for many customers.

BP: How do customers address this “blind spot”, do they see it as an issue or something they need to address?

GS: As soon as there is an outage and they realize their planned diversity is ineffective, yes there is an issue to address. Unfortunately, network operators are reluctant to share route details, due to regulatory constraints and security concerns, where operators could become vulnerable to nefarious interference with their services if they reveal too much. Only the largest enterprises who put pressure on the system are able to get access to this information under NDA, and even then, it could take 3-6 months to get the information the enterprise needs. Circuit design teams should push for a complete walk-through of the backhaul systems, hubs used and the fiber optics connecting various subsea stations.

BP: How does NJFX help its customers with this problem?

GS: At NJFX we take the time to ‘peel back the onion’ for our customers, explaining what their traditional carrier is actually buying from someone else and what they are directly providing. We then facilitate introductions to the subsea and backhaul operators, allowing our clients to reverse engineer current routes and more diverse alternatives. In some cases, we orchestrate deals front-to-back; for example, a large financial firm may take the time to understand the market and then go back to their carrier with a set of requirements and specific cables to include in their design. This is especially important for global organizations, who may require certain cable paths that avoid metropolitan hubs like London or Paris since they already have circuits in those cities. You want to limit your vulnerability and we have the insight and best practices to work with these operators when they are designing the network.

BP: Pivoting to the old adage of “Self-Healing”, is this still a term that we can or should use?

GS: I would say that term does go back 20-25 years, back to the days when carriers owned their own network infrastructure. To level set on terminology – if you owned the network, you could provide two paths: a primary and one to take over in case the first should fail… a “self-healing ring”. This has changed over the years, as carriers have become reliant on other partners, and now lack insight into underlying paths. The term self-healing is often used without understanding what it really means. More discerning buyers will purchase diverse paths from different carriers all operating in parallel, enabling them to sustain 2-3 hits on their service without being affected.

BP: Are fiber cuts trending up or down in your view?

GS: Yes, as a result of 5G deployments, carriers are opening more splice boxes on long haul and metropolitan fiber. Over the years, characteristics of the fiber in the US have changed; whereas before long haul fiber was untouchable, it isn’t anymore. And with the recent need to capitalize on existing assets, long-haul routes might experience interruptions because of 5G deployments, which are now more and more common.

BP: What about outside of the United States, are we seeing the same trends with sub-sea?

GS: Subsea is a very different animal – there are fewer outages, but when there is one, it’s bad. That is not to say that there is never an issue; despite routes being clearly marked on maritime charts, a cargo ship might hit the cable with an anchor. Nowadays, however, subsea operators have visibility into “shunt faults” – a break in the insulation of the cable – and can be proactive about repairing them before the exposed cable is hit again. But should the worst happen, you are looking at 3-6 weeks of outage depending on how prepared the operator is for repair. This is why multiple, diverse paths are critical to a resilient enterprise network. A bit of trivia for your readers here: there is an Atlantic underwater canyon called Porcupine Sea Bight with 95% convergence of transatlantic systems; an incident on that island would essentially be catastrophic, cutting off EMEA from North America. Only one system does not traverse that route – a bypass solution offered via NJFX.

BP: Any pearls of wisdom that you can offer to enterprise customers when designing global networks?

GS: Commit the resources required to understand what you are buying. We live in a world that is reticent to change, but given the time-sensitivity of applications nowadays, a 4–5-hour outage is catastrophic. Enterprises should make path supervision a part of their circuit lifecycle management process to ensure their network paths haven’t changed since they first purchased those circuits. I would also recommend adding contractual assurances to require notice of any changes to fiber in advance of the work.

Thanks very much Gil, we enjoyed hearing about NJFX and receiving the benefit of your thoughts on the evolving infrastructure – Barry Platzman

Click here to read the full Strongbow Group Newsletter

About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

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Capacity Europe 2022

The NJFX team is traveling to Capacity Europe!

We are excited to travel cross seas to network and mingle with everyone at this year’s Capacity Europe 2022.

Say hello to Gil Santaliz, Felix Seda, and Emily Newman!

Event Details:

InterContinental London – The O2

1 Waterview Dr, London SE10 0TW, United Kingdom

Looking to attend, click here.

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NANOG 84 Austin – 2022

Join us in Austin, Texas at NANOG 84 : “Working together to build the Internet of tomorrow®.” Meet the team at NJFX. Request A

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Capacity Europe 2022 Read More »

DICE Northeast 2022

The NJFX team is attending DICE NORTHEAST!

We are excited to network and socialize with everyone at this year’s DICE Northeast.

Say hello to Felix Seda and Emily Newman!

Event Details:

The Westin New York at Times Square
270 West 43rd Street
New York, NY 10036

Looking to attend, click here.

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NANOG 84 Austin – 2022

Join us in Austin, Texas at NANOG 84 : “Working together to build the Internet of tomorrow®.” Meet the team at NJFX. Request A

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GoldConnect Launches Strategic Point-of-Presence at NJFX for its LatamConnect Platform

Orchest (foramlly GoldConnect) Launches Strategic Point-of-Presence at NJFX for its LatamConnect Platform

NJFX Welcomes GoldConnect to Our Ecosystem of Carriers

June 28, 2022  

WALL TOWNSHIP – GoldConnect, a leading US-based carrier with a presence in 17 countries in Latin America and The Caribbean and pioneer of the fully automated end-to-end customer experience through its one-of-a-kind LatamConnect Platform, announced today it has launched a new strategic network point of presence (POP) within NJFX cable landing station colocation campus located in Wall, New Jersey. This new addition will allow GoldConnect to interconnect with some of its American and European clients while providing direct low latency access to Latin America through the LatamConnect Platform.

GoldConnect wins Latam Regional Operator of the Year in Berlin
GoldConnect was recently awarded LATAM BEST OPERATOR OF THE YEAR at GoldConnect wins Latam Regional Operator of the Year in Berlin the 2022 GCCM Berlin by Carrier Community for their incredible work enabling new possibilities through their cutting-edge technology platform LatamConnect.

LatamConnect is the only platform automating the entire customer experience, providing last-mile feasibility analysis in more than 50 Million On-Net buildings, 24/7 installation tracking, service performance monitoring in real-time, and online tech support among the many incredible features it offers for its Connectivity Solutions. “NJFX is the perfect interconnection point to offer low latency solutions through our LatamConnect platform, mixing together NJFX’s ecosystem and LatamConnect, we are bringing together buyers and sellers even closer, enabling incredible possibilities through complete automation,” said Justo Valladares, CEO at GoldConnect.

“GoldConnect is providing necessary last mile transparency throughout LATAM to our ecosystem of carriers with their unique LatamConnect platform using the Seabras-1 cable system connecting to NJFX.” Said Gil Santaliz, CEO of NJFX. “LatamConnect can now use Seaborn as a gateway to bypass Florida and New York City to reach NJFX, as well as, interexchange traffic with our European and US-based providers.”

“Leveraging the LatamConnect automation, along with the performance and scalability of Seaborn’s Seabras-1 cable system, provides unique value to reach new clients in a world-class NJFX facility that drives flexibility and end-user enablement,” said Steve Orlando CEO of Seaborn.

As part of the strategic expansion, GoldConnect is also adding PoPs in JapanHong Kong, and Singapore. Through LatamConnect, customers will be able to quote last miles in Latin America with new multiple delivery points in Asia. With this, GoldConnect has more than 174 PoPs facilitating connectivity through complete automation into Latin America and The Caribbean.


About GoldConnect

Goldconnect is a leading US based carrier and pioneer of the fully automated end to end customer experience in the Latin American region. With more than 10 years delivering innovative Network Solutions, Cloud Connection and Data Center Services throughout the Americas. Over the last 3 years it has rewritten the rules of data transport and connectivity services in LATAM by providing a holistic approach to network intelligence and transparency, groundbreaking process automation, and a world-class customer engagement. The first one of its kind, LatamConnect platform allows our customers and partners to enjoy smoother, faster, and reliable access to real time network information. For more information, please visit and follow us on Linkedin

About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

For NJFX media inquiries, please contact: [email protected]

GoldConnect Launches Strategic Point-of-Presence at NJFX for its LatamConnect Platform Read More »

Flying The Skies to Wire the Seas

Flying The Skies to Wire the Seas

Should the Subsea Cable Industry Stop Traveling?


Gil Santaliz


SubTel Forum Magazine #124 – Global Capacity

Published on May

Subtel Forum Magazine – To an extent, more effective management practices around “new normal” work practices also depend on age group.

“Young people are preferring the ease of flexibility that comes with video calls while the older generation much prefers the advantages that come with face-to-face interactions,” says Felix Seda, General Manager for NJFX.

The younger generation is more accustomed to using break-out rooms for discussions and chatbox for opinion sharing or informal responses to what’s being discussed live. For the veterans of the industry, the community has been formed more actively in person, over a set of drinks, or on the golf course. And yet, as another industry member points out, “ in an era where we need to infuse ‘new blood’ into our industry, in-person meetings have a sort of On the-Job-Training benefits for new industry entrants as trainees.” When it comes down to it, the medium doesn’t alone determine success, solve a problem, create a problem, or create a community—people do. Be it face-to-face or via video conferencing platforms, many of our industry interviewees pointed out, that humans tend to bring their habits and energy

Click here to read the full article.

Click here to read this month’s issue of SubTel Forum Magazine.

About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

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NJFX Shows Support At The 11th Annual Charity Golf Outing for Make-A-Wish New Jersey

NJFX Shows Support At The 11th Annual Charity Golf Outing for Make-A-Wish New Jersey

NJFX attends the 11th Annual Charity Golf Outing for Make-A-Wish New Jersey Supporting Children with Critical Illnesses.

Gil Santaliz


June 16, 2022

NEW JERSEY –Aaron Boone took time from managing the New York Yankees, which now have the best record in Major League Baseball, to help Make-A-Wish® New Jersey.

Boone is a long-time supporter of Make-A-Wish® New Jersey, which creates life-changing wishes for children battling critical illnesses in the Garden State. More than 300 people came together this week at a charity golf event at the Forsgate Country Club and The Samuel & Josephine Plumeri Wishing Place where Boone welcomed everyone to the event.

Guy Chiarello, Executive Chair of the 11th Annual Charity Golf Outing and Chief Operating Officer of Fiserv, used his leadership within the fintech industry to support this event and bring light to the cause for over 13 years.

“Children often come to Make-A-Wish at a frightening time in their lives, when they are dealing with hospital trips and uncertainty,” said NJFX CEO Gil Santaliz, who attended the event. “Events like these are important to help fulfill the spirits of these critically ill children, who need support, care, and hope at a time when they need it most. NJFX is proud to support Make-A-Wish New Jersey and thanks to the Strongbow Group for inviting us to this magical event.”

The Charity Golf Outing has raised millions of dollars for several critical causes during the past 11 years, with a special focus on the advancement of cancer research, health services, and youth education services. Proceeds from the outing are supporting several organizations, including Make-A-Wish NJ, the Leukemia & Lymphoma SocietyA Chance in Life, and Capital Health.


About NJFX

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

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Felix Seda Awarded Capacity Media’s Power 100!

Felix Seda Awarded Capacity Media’s Power 100!

Nominated by the industry and compiled by Capacity, the 2022 Power 100 profiles the trailblazers, innovators, and leaders driving the global digital infrastructure space. Now in its fourth-year, the list is who is who of the most influential people in our field.

Felix Seda

General Manager

June 13, 2022

CAPACITY EDITORIAL – Felix Seda is dedicated to bringing young talent into the telecommunication industry by spearheading several millennial-focused initiatives to encourage the education and engagement of young professionals. He created the Millennials in Telecom Reception at PTC in 2020, aimed at bringing young telecom employees together to network and engage with select industry veterans.

Felix sees value in recruiting young professionals, many are digital natives, and the unique perspective they may bring to an industry that is often dominated by veterans. The involvement and development of these fresh, young professionals will do a great deal to propel the industry into the future.

Felix is working closely with the PTC Advisory Council for young professionals to be more involved at industry conferences and secure a seat at the table where pivotal conversations shape the industry’s future. Felix is working to establish a Buy One Get One Free program that will allow nominated individuals from member organizations to attend the conference with free registration.

Aside from helping shape the future of the Telecom industry, Felix has been instrumental in growing the ecosystem at NJFX’s CLS connectivity campus. His involvement in network development helped establish new logos at NJFX such as AT&T, Eastlink, and UPIX.

View the fourth annual Power 100 in the June/July issue here.

About NJFX

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

Media Contact:
Emily Newman, Marketing and Public Relations Coordinator
[email protected]

More In the News

Nominated by the industry and compiled by Capacity, the 2022 Power 100 profiles the trailblazers, innovators, and leaders driving the global digital infrastructure space. Now in its fourth-year, the list is who is who of the most influential people in our field.

June 13, 2022 CAPACITY EDITORIALFelix Seda is dedicated to bringing young talent into the telecommunication industry by spearheading several millennial-focused initiatives to encourage the education and engagement of young professionals. He created the Millennials in Telecom Reception at PTC in 2020, aimed at bringing young telecom employees together to network and engage with select industry veterans. Felix sees value in recruiting young professionals, many are digital natives, and the unique perspective they may bring to an industry that is often dominated by veterans. The involvement and development of these fresh, young professionals will do a great deal to propel the industry into the future. Felix is working closely with the PTC Advisory Council for young professionals to be more involved at industry conferences and secure a seat at the table where pivotal conversations shape the industry’s future. Felix is working to establish a Buy One Get One Free program that will allow nominated individuals from member organizations to attend the conference with free registration. Aside from helping shape the future of the Telecom industry, Felix has been instrumental in growing the ecosystem at NJFX’s CLS connectivity campus. His involvement in network development helped establish new logos at NJFX such as AT&T, Eastlink, and UPIX. View the fourth annual Power 100 in the June/July issue here.  About NJFX NJFX owns and operates a 64,800 square foot purpose-built Tier 3 Cable Landing Station (CLS) Colocation campus in Wall, NJ. This unique campus is the only carrier-neutral CLS colocation campus in the U.S supported by several route-independent carriers that offer direct access to multiple independent subsea cable systems interconnecting North America, Europe, South America and the Caribbean. The facility offers direct access to TGN1, TGN2, and Seabras. The building is the subsea cable landing of HAVFRUE/AEC2 this year as well as the Confluence system in the near future. High and low-density colocation solutions are available with 24/7 support.  
Media Contact:
Emily Newman, Marketing and Public Relations Coordinator
[email protected]

Felix Seda Awarded Capacity Media’s Power 100! Read More »


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