Sarah Kurtz

NJFX the Marseille of the US

NJFX: The Marseille of the US

NJFX: The Marseille of the US

Gil Santaliz


Article by Jason McGee-Abe, Published in Capacity Magazine Volume 20 Issue 1, pages 48 & 49

December 5, 2019

NJFX the Marseille of the US

As I make my way up to interview Santaliz, I think about how far New Jersey Fiber Exchange (NJFX) has come in becoming a household name in such a sport space of time.

Before walking into the NJFX meeting room at Capacity Europe I immediately notice the adjacent room. It’s hosting Interxion and two things spring to my mind. Firstly, about the news that broke the night before that Digital Realty was acquiring Interxion for $8.4 billion, the biggest data center deal in history, and the interesting conversations that must be happening inside. Secondly, the influence that the Interxion business model that originated in Marseille has had on NJFX’s evolution.

Where did it all begin?

The concept saw a joint venture formed and launched in 2015 with a group of investors, which included Tata Communications. “Originally, we were going to be a sidekick to Tata in that we were building a Tier III data centre next to their cable landing station (CLS),” says Santaliz. “We put the capital up for the land, construction, and then interconnected the facility with the cable landing station (CLS).” NJFX build a 1.4 acre plot next door to the Tata Communications subsea CLS, where it built a meet-me room (MMR). After a short while there were some management changes at Tata Communications and the relationship changed somewhat. “They are still a shareholder today but not to the same extent,” he adds.

Prior to founding NJFX, the telecommunications executive sold metro dark fibre provider 4Connections to Optimum Lightpath, a subsidiary of New York cable operator Cablevision (now Altice USA), in 2008 for an undisclosed amount.

In September 2015, NJFX announced it would construct a 64,000 sq ft Tier III data centre facility adjacent to Tata’s CLS, providing direct access to its European and South American subsea cables: TGN Atlantic and Seabras-1. Exactly one year later, NJFX launched the carrier-neutral colocation facility.  “It had compute, carrier-neutrality and business from metro players,” explains the CEO. NJFX offered terrestrial connections to such operators as AlticeCrown Castle FiberEpsilonWindstreamZayo and ZenFi.

Interxion influence

“We had developed our relationship with Interxion at Capacity events and watched what they were doing in Marseille,” he explains. “I met with Dave Ruberg [CEO of Interxion] and even went to the WWII submarine repair facility in Marseille where he said that he was going to turn it into a big international CLS.” Santaliz admits that he thought Ruberg was out of his mind at the statement but has been amazed watching it all become a reality. Interxion has certainly helped to boost the city of Marseille, which now plays host to 14 subsea cables. This visionary idea struck Santaliz and, with the support of his partners, NJFX purchased another 48 acres next door back in Wall, New Jersey. “We got the right to put another data centre in, which was a 150,000 sq ft 15 MW facility with a separate CLS.”

“Subsea players approached us as a result of our independence and carrier-neutral approach, saying that they would bring the cable straight into our building,” the CEO adds. After the first cable was confirmed for the CLS, NJFX approached SubCom and a blossoming partnership is still ongoing.

From that moment, NJFX went from being the sidekick of a joint venture building a Tier III data centre to support Tata Communcations to becoming the host of its own subsea CLS and carrier-neutral site. Today, NJFX owns and operates a 58-acre campus. It has the ability to interconnect to multiple subsea and terrestrial cables from one place. Following Ruberg’s vision, Santaliz and his partners have created the Marseille of the US.

“We have two MMRs that are interconnected to each other, so we don’t discriminate,” Santaliz says. The carrier-neutral player’s philosophy is to help carriers grow their business and not get in the way it even commits to not even selling internet to its customers. “So we’ve created a true carrier-neutral product that the market wanted and really needed,” he adds. “We don’t sell anything other than space and power. We’re hosting subsea cables in a building in the US and there’s no other place in the US that does what we do.”

Dual CLS partnership

News circulated around the industry in October that NJFX now marks the spot of the first-ever dual CLS to terrestrial interconnection after partnering with Telxius and Windstream Wholesale.

The NJFX CLS in Wall, NJ, is now connected to Telxius facilities at the CLS in Virginia Beach, VA, which is connected to the MAREA and BRUSA subsea cables. Windstream supports the connection with over 500Tbps of transmission capacity, boostin global connectivity options.

“We are proud to be the catalyst of the first-ever CLS to CLS terrestrial route. This is an integral part of the shift the industry is seeing in new infrastructure being deployed to replace the old networking models,” proclaims Santaliz. No one ever really thought of using the east coast of the United States to get traffic up and down before but NJFX is helping this become a reality, he adds. Another system linked to this is Crosslake Fibre’s 95km unrepeatered subsea fibre-optic cable to Long Island.

“The total capacity of the subsea cables coming out of these two cable landing stations is greater than all of the capacity of the previously placed North American subsea cables stretching across the Atlantic Ocean combined.  Windstream and Telxius are bilaterally leveraging each company’s routes to address customer network diversity requirements and capacity needs. The potential for clients is endless.”

NJFX has sealed a number of partnerships over the past year, which has included the European-based carrier class Ethernet exchange NetIX, which connects over 20 IXPs that serve more than 100 members, enter the US market for the first time by launching a new PoP at the NJFX colocation campus.  The PoP at NJFX also provides opportunities for American peers to exchange traffic directly with other peers around the world. NetIX declared that it picked NJFX because of the array of subsea cable systems it has landing at its cable landing station.

Other partnerships formed include Epsilon connecting its SDN backbone to NJFX’s CLS colocation facility, allowing customers to bypass New York entirely and gives user access to on-demand local, regional and global connectivity.  Telia Carrier deployed a network PoP, delivering multi-terabit capacity at the NJFX CLS colocation campus. The new network infrastructure provides resilient network options for customers wanting diverse connectivity throughout North America. By leveraging the Havfrue/AEC-2 subsea cable system located at NJFX, Telia carrier customers can reach Denmark directly and transit the Nordics, Baltics, and can access four unique fibre routes going into Russia.

New intercontinental capabilities

Another level of NJFX’s evolution involves the establishment of new intercontinental wide area network (WAN) capabilities between North America, South America and Europe, which have been developed in partnership with Bulk Infrastructure and Neutrona Networks.

The highly anticipated Havfrue transatlantic subsea cable network lands into NJFX’s CLS campus. It runs between New Jersey and Denmark, with branches into Ireland and Norway. The consortium backing the new transatlantic cable includes Aqua Comms, Bulk Infrastructure, Facebook and Google.  The system is expected to be ready for service in Q4 2019.

The next wave of technological advancement will be just as compelling with the onset of the enterprise revolution, which takes the WAN model and extends it into other continents through NJFX’s unique CLS campus. Santaliz discloses that NJFX is now open to bespoke facilities on its campus. “We’re building out the campus and we’re going to announce that we’ll have a new cable station building available that someone can have for their own use,” Santaliz tells me. “If someone wants their own four walls, here’s a building that we can create, which is a 15MW data centre and you can do your own thing.”

With the industry constantly growing, we’re all trying to keep up with the explosion of data usage. NJFX has firmly established itself as an innovative on/off ramp to global networks and is in a unique position as one of the most critical meet-me points for access to international connectivity. It has started a revolution in the subsea industry with its carrier-neutral Tier 3 by the subsea model and bespoke agile approach. It’s clear to see why business is booming in New Jersey.


About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

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CLS Matters Backhaul Edition

Terra Firma: Why Terrestrial Connectivity Matters to the Cable Landing Station

Terra Firma: Why Terrestrial Connectivity Matters to the Cable Landing Station

By Gil Santaliz, CEO, NJFX

Gil Santaliz


December 3, 2019

CLS Matters Backhaul Edition

The Cable Landing Station (CLS) colocation is where the networks live today. As an example, consider the petabytes per second being transported across the Atlantic Ocean into the U.S from Europe and South America – physically coming in through subsea cables. This traffic needs a home and the CLS enables carriers to provide the diverse private ‘roads’ to carry that data. Carrier-neutral subsea capabilities empower customers with options when choosing which cables will transport their data to key landing points. When a colocation data center campus is physically located at the meeting point of multiple subsea cable landings linking three continents, international connectivity is just a single cross-connect away. The result is a high-resilience, low-latency network with direct interconnection options for service providers, enterprises, carrier-neutral operators and cable companies. Customers can further diversify and plan their international connections with clarity and accuracy, eliminating any transport uncertainty.

Moreover, when a number of subsea cables land directly at a CLS colocation campus, this enables enterprise, content, financials, media, government, and communications providers to have maximized redundancy, reduced latency and better quality connections with fewer international points of failure, fortifying the protection of their international data traffic. Meanwhile, network operators, by establishing a Point of Presence (PoP) at a CLS colocation campus, can design reliable architecture with diversity to other PoPs around the globe, once again with fewer points of failure and better service quality as well as lower operational costs.

As an example, NJFX serves as a Tier 3 Global Network Operations Center (G-NOC) on the U.S. east coast. Data traffic comes into NJFX through subsea cables and then is interconnected across the U.S. via terrestrial networks and ultimately to end-users. Consider NJFX as the North American distribution center for data dissemination into and across North America. The NJFX community of carriers make its CLS a marketplace rich with fiber networks and platforms – providing multiple options for routes, security and diversity.

“The increased connectivity from Crown Castle gives national enterprises and content providers an opportunity to use one of the largest, densest fiber networks in the country to securely and reliably transfer their mission-critical data.” – Jim Young, COO, Crown Castle

There are hundreds of thousands of miles of subsea cables traversing the globe with over 90% of the world’s international data transmitted across them. It is critical to global communications to eliminate unnecessary points of failure and shore up potential for security breaches.

“The new breed of cable landing station has become a critical infrastructure in facilitating reliable and secure interconnection. By having a PoP at NJFX’s CLS colocation campus, Epsilon is enabling service providers and enterprises to interconnect data centres, cloud services and internet exchanges on our network fabric across global economic hubs. The combination of software-defined networking platform and CLS delivers global connectivity at scale with greater performance and visibility.” – Jerzy Szlosarek, CEO, Epsilon

Make no mistake, the modern CLS colocation campus is indeed a very rare breed, and there are very few such facilities in the world. However, the direct connectivity that supports customer diversity requirements shouldn’t be limited to just multiple subsea cable access capability. Rather, it’s also the availability of access to multiple backhaul providers for direct and diverse connectivity to core markets — in the U.S., to Ashburn, Chicago, Dallas, North Carolina, Philadelphia, and other cities, thereby bypassing common points of network failure such as New York, Northern New Jersey, and Miami — which truly distinguishes the CLS colocation campus of the future.

This new model represents a paradigm shift from the traditional approach of providing fiber backhaul to the nearest metro area hub. In the modern CLS model, it’s the cable landing station campus that is the de facto hub, providing better access to connectivity, low latency and high capacity. Legacy carrier hotels that are located further inland on Long Island and in lower Manhattan aren’t capable of providing the infrastructure model that can provide interconnection to 300 terabits or more.

Secure Connectivity From Seabed to Dry Land

The carrier-neutral colocation hub at the subsea cable landing with diverse terrestrial connectivity options is the way of the future. Traditionally, it’s the role of the CLS to transition data transported by the subsea cable to a terrestrial network, which then provides connectivity to a major population center. Typically, the terrestrial system has two routes available to the hub, a redundancy of design to ensure uptime in the event that one route becomes compromised. Once data reaches the hub, it’s transported to various destinations across the North American continent, or beyond.

But to be a true CLS colocation hub, the availability of multiple terrestrial routes is as essential as multiple subsea cable system options, and here, there is a critical difference, even between currently operating CLS campuses.

“ZenFi Networks was one of the initial providers to connect to the NJFX CLS campus and we are pleased to offer carriers direct connectivity to over 40 key colocation POP’s throughout the NY and NJ metro region. Our purpose-built fiber route out of the campus offers diversity from other providers, and delivers latency-sensitive, secure backhaul options for carriers and their customers.” –Vincenzo Clemente, President and Chief Operating Officer, ZenFi Networks

It’s not conducive to uptime and performance if a high capacity cable system lands at a site only to be stranded with just one or two backhaul options, as is the case with some CLS campuses. On the contrary, it’s access to multiple backhaul routes that creates truly diverse options, which in turn fosters reliability, availability and security of data transport – a critical requirement for financial services, healthcare organizations and other enterprises, as well as carriers, content providers and government agencies, which depend upon maximum uptime.

For one out of three enterprises, a single hour of downtime can cost anywhere from $1 million to $5 million, according to a recent Gartner survey. In fact, network outages experienced by North American organizations alone result in revenue losses of $700 billion per year, so claims a report by IHS Inc. (NYSE: IHS).

But aside from the financial stakes, there are potential reputational repercussions when an organization’s network goes down: loss of customer trust and brand equity. A CLS colocation campus like NJFX that also operates a G-NOC offers many unique U.S. fiber backhaul solutions, avoiding traditional legacy network points of failure. This not only maximizes network redundancy and resiliency, but can also improve service quality, reduce expenses and help drive new revenue. As a G-NOC, it can also provide hands-on, operations and engineering support within quick turn-around timeframes, which offers a lot of value to providers who need specialized support.

As bandwidth demands continue to spike upward — the Cisco Visual Networking Index predicts that annual global IP traffic will reach 3.3 ZB per year by 2021, a three-fold increase from two years ago — new subsea cables and expansions of existing networks will become necessary, and not just linking major global hubs but second tier, emerging and underserved markets as well. Subsea cables are the information superhighways of the global economy. But once that data reaches shore, it has to arrive on terra firma — solid ground — at a physically secure and hardened CLS colocation campus, with multiple backhaul options, to ensure that data safely make its way to its ultimate terrestrial destination.

“Windstream wholesale continues to strategically invest and partner with CLS and data centers in order to extend its expansive long-haul network to the ultra-high capacity subsea operators. Our domestic and international customers need providers that are flexible and offer networks capable of growing ahead of them, not just with them. We’ve established a reputation for being that provider that offers diversity and customized routes through our uniquely dense domestic US network.” – Joe Scattareggia, EVP, Windstream Wholesale

The CLS hub of tomorrow will not only offer access to subsea cable systems, but also provide the terrestrial backhaul needed to get beyond the landing point and out into the hands of the companies delivering the data, provide faster on-ramps to cloud infrastructure and power communications more reliably. Now that’s solid ground.


About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

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Sarah Kurtz hired at NJFX

NJFX Hires Sarah Kurtz as Sales Support Manager, Bringing a Fresh, Female Perspective to Industry

NJFX Hires Sarah Kurtz as Sales Support Manager, Bringing a Fresh, Female Perspective to Industry

November 26, 2019

Sarah Kurtz hired at NJFX

 Wall Township, NJ – NJFX, the only Cable Landing Station (CLS) colocation campus in the U.S offering Tier 3, carrier-neutral data center capabilities, announces naming Sarah Kurtz to serve as Sales Support Manager. As a recent college graduate and former NJFX intern, Sarah has come of age in the internet era, where technology, IoT devices and smartphones are ever present. This provides Ms. Kurtz a unique perspective of the industry and a smart approach to working with clients. The leadership at NJFX is excited to usher Ms. Kurtz into the dynamic subsea industry and build a powerful foundation for her and other young women in the infrastructure space.

Ms. Kurtz, born and raised in Sea Girt, New Jersey, graduated from Fairfield University in Connecticut with a degree in Computer Science. She credits her studies with sparking her interest in the technology field and led to an internship with NJFX, which expanded that interest to the telecommunications industry. After graduation, she spent a year as a software developer for Verizon. It was then that NJFX Founder and CEO Gil Santaliz reached out to offer Ms. Kurtz  the position of Sales Support Manager.

“Sarah brings a lot to the table as a young woman entering the telecom field. We are looking forward to having a fresh perspective, not only for us, but also for the industry,” says Felix Seda, General Manager of NJFX, “She is eager to soak up as much as she can, as quickly as she can and we’re excited to have her on our team as we look to 2020 and beyond.”

The move from working on software to hardware has proven to be an exciting one for Ms. Kurtz. “In software development, it was just me and my computer. But in subsea there is so much more emphasis on networking and learning from others.” The fast pace of her work has also proven to be a big draw, with Ms. Kurtz citing this as an area of opportunity for young people aspiring to join the industry. “I find that people of my generation are hungry for knowledge about the technology they have grown up with. They are ready and willing to learn. That directly correlates with the vast amount of information about this industry,” she comments adding, “Learning quickly and keeping up with the pace of the ever-advancing technology is something my generation is well equipped for.”

“Being a young woman often makes me a minority in the room. But I have found this to be a big motivator rather than a challenge. It just makes me eager to learn quickly and stand out as a leader, ” Ms. Kurtz says about being in a male-dominated field, “It really lights a fire in me to work harder.” She has also had the opportunity to travel often with NJFX and meet with many prominent women in tech and telecom, and she uses these opportunities to develop professional and personal relationships.

“Sarah, being a digital native, represents everything this industry needs, and I am looking forward to seeing more of her in the future,” remarks Merete Caubet, Vice President of Sales & Business Development of NJFX partner, Bulk Infrastructure. “Creating diversity within our industry has been a big initiative lately, with industry events’ hosting sessions focused on bringing the women of tech and telecom together and pre-professional programs for college students, so it is really exciting to see these initiatives paying off. We congratulate NJFX on such a successful recruitment to  the team.”

You can find Ms. Kurtz at Subsea Americas, December 10-12, in Washington, DC. The event will feature an interactive workshop called the “Women in Subsea Initiative” tasked to create an environment that encourages knowledge sharing, promotes diversity, and encourages a trading of skills. In addition, NJFX is a Silver sponsor of the event. For more information, visit or contact [email protected] to set up a meeting.


About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

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telia at njfx

Telia Carrier Opens Terabit Scale PoP at NJFX

Telia Carrier Opens Terabit Scale PoP at NJFX

October 29, 2019 

telia at njfx

London, Capacity Europe – Telia Carrier today announced that it has deployed a new network Point-of-Presence (PoP) delivering multi-terabit capacity at the NJFX Cable Landing Station (CLS) colocation campus. The new network infrastructure provides resilient network options for customers wanting diverse connectivity throughout North America. In addition, Telia Carrier’s extensive network in Europe enables seamless reach and unique diversity to connect from the cable landing point to extended destinations across Europe.

Telia Carrier’s new PoP in the NJFX facility provides high capacity, flexibility, and access to multiple reliable, diverse routes. By leveraging the Havfrue/AEC2 subsea cable system located at NJFX, Telia Carrier customers can now reach Denmark directly and transit the Nordics, Baltics, and can access four unique fiber routes going into Russia. Organizations located at NJFX can now access the Seabras cable system with direct routes into South America, ideal for LATAM customers looking for network diversity, terrestrial extensions, and IP connectivity.

“Telia Carrier’s terabit scale capacity expansion into NJFX is a perfect embodiment of NJFX’s mission to enable the resilient global connectivity and capabilities for our customers and carrier partners,” said Gil Santaliz, CEO, NJFX. “Enterprises, financials, and service provider customers can now connect directly into Telia Carrier’s network and access a seamless network solution with terrestrial backhaul routes that reach key points of presence across the East Coast and beyond.”

Financial organizations located at NJFX can leverage Telia Carrier’s connectivity linking subsea cables to financial data centers throughout New Jersey and New York. This offers the ability to extend capacity from the NJFX CLS campus and access unique routes bypassing Manhattan and Northern New Jersey, along with connecting to new subsea cables coming online for increased network transparency and resiliency.

“We designed our architecture at NJFX to support high capacity and huge demand ahead for expanded network reach and resiliency,” said Staffan Göjeryd, CEO, Telia Carrier. “At the NJFX CLS, we offer maximum flexibility and extensions into the rest of the Telia Carrier global network and tying it into the recently announced expansion of the East Coast corridor where we added two new routes between New Jersey and Northern Virginia.”

Top-ranked global backbone

For more than two decades, Telia Carrier’s global fiber backbone has grown organically, without acquisitions. It was the first network to successfully transmit 1 Tb/s in super channels on its U.S. network and recently announced the first real-time transmission of 600Gb/s wavelengths in a live production network. According to Dyn Research’s global backbone rankings, Telia Carrier’s global IP backbone, AS1299, is currently ranked number one. The company enables worldwide connectivity by connecting more than 300 Points of Presence (PoPs) across Europe, North America, Asia, and the Middle East.

About Telia Carrier

Telia Carrier owns and operates one of the world’s most extensive fiber backbones. Our mission is to provide exceptional network infrastructure and services – empowering individuals, businesses and societies to execute their most critical activities. By working close to our customers, we make big ideas happen at the speed of fiber. Discover more at

About NJFX

NJFX owns and operates a 64,800 square foot purpose-built Tier 3 Cable Landing Station (CLS) Colocation facility and 58-acre campus in Wall, NJ. This unique campus is the only carrier-neutral CLS colocation campus in the U.S supported by several route-independent carriers that offer direct access to multiple independent subsea cable systems interconnecting North America, Europe, South America and the Caribbean. The facility offers direct access to TGN1, TGN2, and Seabras.  The building is the subsea cable landing of HAVFRUE/AEC2 this year as well as Wall-LI in the future. High and low-density colocation solutions are available with 24/7 support.

To request a meeting with NJFX executives, please email [email protected]. For more information, please visit

Media contact:
For Telia Carrier please contact:
Jeannette Bitz – Witz Communications
[email protected]

For NJFX please contact:

[email protected]


About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

Telia Carrier Opens Terabit Scale PoP at NJFX Read More »

First ever CLS to CLS terrestrial connection

NJFX and Telxius Ecosystems are Booming – Increasing Global Connectivity Options with First-Ever Dual Cable Landing Station Terrestrial Connection

NJFX and Telxius Ecosystems are Booming – Increasing Global Connectivity Options with First-Ever Dual Cable Landing Station Terrestrial Connection

Windstream connects Wall NJ to Virginia Beach Supporting over 500 Terabits per second of transmission Capacity

October 14, 2019

First ever CLS to CLS terrestrial connection

Wall, NJ and Madrid, Spain –  NJFX, the only Cable Landing Station (CLS) colocation campus in the U.S offering Tier 3, carrier-neutral data center capabilities, and Telxius, the communications infrastructure company of the Telefónica Group, announce significant development at their Cable Landing Station (CLS) campuses. As a driver of collaboration among carriers, subsea cable operators, enterprises and cloud providers within its CLS ecosystem, NJFX marks the spot of the first-ever CLS to CLS terrestrial interconnection, which connects NJFX CLS in Wall, NJ to Telxius facilities at the CLS in Virginia Beach, VA. The NJFX ecosystem boom is driven in part by its strategic location 64 feet above sea level and Category 5 hurricane resistant CLS campus with access to three subsea cables today, increasing to a total of four subsea cables in 4Q2019 that will exceed capacity of 500 Terabits per second of transmission capacity. The Telxius communications campus at Virginia Beach provides direct access to the top 2 capacity subsea cables in the world, MAREA and BRUSA.

“We are proud to be the catalyst of the first-ever CLS to CLS terrestrial route,” states Gil Santaliz, CEO for NJFX. “This is an integral part of the shift the industry is seeing in new infrastructure being deployed to replace the old networking models. The total capacity of the subsea cables coming out of these two cable landing stations is greater than all of the capacity of the previously placed North American subsea cables stretching across the Atlantic combined. Windstream and Telxius are bilaterally leveraging each company’s routes to address customer network diversity requirements and capacity needs. The potential for clients is endless.”

“Telxius as a world-class communications infrastructure company, is keen to enable the interconnection of two key cable landing stations in the US, offering the strategic ability of network protection at the subsea cable level,” states Gerardo Bonilla, Head of Sales for Telxius. “A pioneer as the first provider with connectivity between these two cable landing stations, Windstream can offer robust options to customers to use either cable landing station. Our companies are now able to provide our respective customers end to end global solutions leveraging Windstream’s robust US network and the Telxius subsea global network. Additionally, we are happy to be able to offer services over MAREA and BRUSA from NJFX facilities, creating tremendous value.”

“Our fiber deployment between two of the most important cable landing stations along the east coast aligns with Windstream’s core strategy to take our national network – global,” comments Joe Scattareggia, Executive Vice President, Windstream Wholesale. “Our fiber connectivity across the US from Canada to Mexico, combined with our build out at the NJFX CLS campus in New Jersey and at the Telxius CLS campus in Virginia Beach, offers customers the ability to leverage our national network and go beyond.”

Windstream’s state-of-the-art domestic network consists of approximately 150,000 fiber route miles and connects Tier 1, 2 and 3 cities across the nation. Secure and robust, the core network’s high-performance, point-to-point 1G to 100G optical transport ensures direct connectivity, transparency and control to support customer diversity requirements. In addition, Windstream also provides access to cloud resources at the edge, including from the most popular carrier hotels and data centers to unique locations not available with other carriers. Windstream provides high-speed connectivity directly into NJFX CLS and Telxius CLS campus, enabling access to multiple subsea cable systems. Customers can now also extend their reach through Telxius’s network into South America and Europe.

NJFX’s CLS campus offers access to four subsea cable systems to Europe and South America and seven independent US fiber based backhaul providers. Customers can access points of presence in 15 countries across Central and South America, Mexico and the Caribbean.

The Telxius CLS campus in Virginia Beach, includes the Telxius facilities at the MAREA and BRUSA CLS. MAREA’s 200 Tbps transmission capacity plus BRUSA’s 138 Tbps equal that of the top 10 hub cities in the world combined, ranked by international capacity.[1] They are uniquely suited to deliver massive capacity and the lowest possible latencies. In addition to offering direct access to those two subsea cable systems to Europe and South America, the Telxius CLS campus features connections with several independent US fiber based backhaul providers. Access to other advanced subsea cables will be completed soon. Additionally, the Telxius Communications Campus in Virginia Beach connects directly to main data center campuses in Ashburn, Richmond and Phoenix.

For a meeting with Telxius executives, please email [email protected]. For more information on Telxius, go to

To request a meeting with NJFX executives, please email [email protected]. For more information, please visit


About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

About Telxius

Telxius is the infrastructure company of the Telefónica Group including tower and subsea cable business segments. Telxius effectively serves customers through an international network of 87,000 km of high capacity fiber optic subsea cables, including MAREA and BRUSA, the two highest capacity systems in the world, to go up to 100,000 km by 2021. In addition, the company features an extensive 17,550 tower portfolio, being the leading tower company in Spain, Germany, Peru and Argentina and a main provider in Brazil and Chile.

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ITW Virtual 2020

ITW (International Telecoms Week) is the annual meeting for the global wholesale telecoms industry, providing a platform for 7,000 delegates from 2,000+ companies and more than 135 countries to meet together and network.

For more information on this event, visit:


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Submarine Networks EMEA 2020

Submarine Networks EMEA

London, UK – Since its launch in 2018, Submarine Networks EMEA has successfully firmed its position as the pre-eminent subsea-focused event in the region. In 2020, the conference will be even bigger with 500+ senior level decision makers from EMEA and further afield. Located in London, the heart of the global communications industry, the event provides the ideal opportunity to discuss innovation and strategy, develop new and existing partnerships and to learn about the exciting new projects that are underway in the region.

Submarine networks EMEA 2020

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Capacity LATAM 2023 We’re back in Brazil! Say hello to our team in sao paulo and see why NJFX is the next best solution for

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Submarine Networks EMEA 2020 Read More »




San Francisco, California – Get up to speed on the latest networking challenges and best practices with hours of peer-reviewed talks, tutorials, keynotes, and panels, presented by some of the industry’s top minds.


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Capacity LATAM 2023

Capacity LATAM 2023 We’re back in Brazil! Say hello to our team in sao paulo and see why NJFX is the next best solution for

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NANOG 87 Join Our GM in Atlanta, GA to learn more about the unique capabilities that are being offered from our campus! Event Details: Atlanta

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Metro Connect USA 2023

Metro Connect USA 2023! Where the future of the U.S. digital infra market is shaped. Say hello to our CEO Gil Santaliz Event Details: Fort Lauderdale

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NANOG 78 Read More »

Pacific Telecommunications Council

Pacific Telecommunication Council

Honolulu, Hawaii – PTC’s Annual Conference is a strategic springboard for the global communications industry, providing all attendees with a three-day platform to focus on planning, networking, and discovering what lies ahead for the industry.

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Capacity LATAM 2023

Capacity LATAM 2023 We’re back in Brazil! Say hello to our team in sao paulo and see why NJFX is the next best solution for

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NANOG 87 Join Our GM in Atlanta, GA to learn more about the unique capabilities that are being offered from our campus! Event Details: Atlanta

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Metro Connect USA 2023

Metro Connect USA 2023! Where the future of the U.S. digital infra market is shaped. Say hello to our CEO Gil Santaliz Event Details: Fort Lauderdale

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Pacific Telecommunications Council Read More »


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