Emily Newman

Our GM Empowers the Future of Telecom

Our GM Empowers the Future of Telecom

Felix Seda shares insight on the PTC Beyond initiative and Welcomes Zellennials at PTC’23

Felix Seda

General Manager

December 8, 2022

Our General Manager, Felix Seda, is part of the PTC Advisory Council leading the new PTC Beyond Initiative, helping empower the next generation of industry leaders. The initiative will be supported throughout the conference with a complete program of activities and providing them a seat at the table.

NJFX is proud to kick off the conference with the Zellenials in Telecom Welcome Reception! 

PTC ’23 Welcome Reception is geared towards fostering and developing young leaders in the telecommunications industry. The event will provide a space for young individuals within the industry the chance to network with their peers as well as industry professionals to better establish their telecom knowledge and contacts.


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PTC ’23

The NJFX team is traveling to Hawaii for PTC '23!

Traveling to the beautiful island of O’ahu for the connections and lasting memories 

Say hello to Gil Santaliz, Felix Seda, and Emily Newman! 

Event Details:

Hilton Hawaiian Village® Waikiki Beach Resort
2005 Kalia Road
Honolulu, HI 96815

Looking to attend, click here.

Request A Meeting With Us!


DICE Northeast 2022

The NJFX team is attending DICE NORTHEAST! We are excited to network and socialize with everyone at this year’s DICE Northeast. Say hello to Felix Seda and

Meet Us »


The NJFX team is attending NYNOG! We are excited to network and socialize with everyone at this year’s NYNOG 20. Say hello to Felix Seda, Emily Newman,

Meet Us »


Join us in Montreal, Quebec for NANOG 85! Schedule a time to chat with the NJFX’s team, Felix Seda and Emily Newman. See you soon!

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PTC ’23 Read More »

NYNOG Holiday Party 2022

The NJFX team is heading to NYC for NYNOG!

After a long time without seeing one another, we’re looking forward to catching up.

Say hello to Gil Santaliz, Felix Seda, and Emily Newman!

Event Details:

25 West 38th st, 29th Fl
New York, NY 10018

Looking to attend, click here.

Request A Meeting With Us!


DICE Northeast 2022

The NJFX team is attending DICE NORTHEAST! We are excited to network and socialize with everyone at this year’s DICE Northeast. Say hello to Felix Seda and

Meet Us »


The NJFX team is attending NYNOG! We are excited to network and socialize with everyone at this year’s NYNOG 20. Say hello to Felix Seda, Emily Newman,

Meet Us »


Join us in Montreal, Quebec for NANOG 85! Schedule a time to chat with the NJFX’s team, Felix Seda and Emily Newman. See you soon!

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CTG Holiday Dinner 2022

CTG Annual Holiday Dinner

Looking forward to an evening spent with friends and colleagues, old and new!

See you in Jersey City!


DICE Northeast 2022

The NJFX team is attending DICE NORTHEAST! We are excited to network and socialize with everyone at this year’s DICE Northeast. Say hello to Felix Seda and

Meet Us »


The NJFX team is attending NYNOG! We are excited to network and socialize with everyone at this year’s NYNOG 20. Say hello to Felix Seda, Emily Newman,

Meet Us »


Join us in Montreal, Quebec for NANOG 85! Schedule a time to chat with the NJFX’s team, Felix Seda and Emily Newman. See you soon!

Meet Us »

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Leading Young Talent to the Table

Leading Young Talent to the Table

NJFX had the pleasure on hosting AT&T New Hires and educating them on our subsea infrastructure

Novemeber 14, 2022

Securing the Future

On November 8, 2022, twenty-three new hires of network engineers from AT&T toured the NJFX CLS colocation campus. The visit included sessions on subsea history and insight into the Northeast traditional carrier hotel infrastructure with our General Manager, Felix Seda, and CEO, Gil Santaliz.  Many of the recent college graduates supporting AT&T’s US Mobile, Wireline, and Global IP networks were offered their positions at AT&T prior to graduating from their universities in an effort to secure the best-talented engineers.

NJFX educated recent graduates on how 97% of the world’s internet traffic flows through cable landing stations and subsea cables. They learned how we have 14 cables supporting traffic across the Atlantic and how more than half will be retiring because of enhancements in technology.

Felix Seda said,” Our industry has a very promising future ahead of it, and there are lots of opportunities for young people to become involved, learn, develop important connections, and start what might turn out to be a highly lucrative and long-lasting career.”

Leading the Community

It has been increasingly clear in recent years that there is a war for talent in the telecommunications industry. NJFX has pioneered efforts to develop events that educate young professionals in the telecommunications industry about the sector’s importance and the value of building a career in this community.

We see organizations like PTC, Capacity, Carrier Community, and more taking charge of constructing a more inclusive industry.  NJFX aims to actively keeping the industry aware of the benefits of hiring young talent and proceeding to host events that highlight and develop the younger workforce.

The NJFX Team has been actively leading events for young talent to have a seat at the table with industry veterans. For years, NJFX has encouraged young generations to consider a career in the industry and has created initiatives to help close the talent gap.

Powered by the Past

This past year NJFX has been an active pillar in educating, mentoring, and inspiring young professional leaders in the telecommunication sector. A discussion was led at ITW 2022 about plugging the talent gap with NJFX,  Telstra, and Sequential Tech. The forum was an open roundtable discussion about the industry’s challenges with recruitment, the retirement cliff, women in the industry, and countering implicit bias in recruitment.

Efforts do not stop with roundtable discussions, there needs to be action put into place that allows young professionals to experience conferences and build their professional network. The PTC Advisory Council, which includes Felix Seda, agreed and has created a Buy One Get One Free admission to this upcoming PTC ’23 conference. This is a huge step in the right direction for young professionals to understand the business and actively network in person.

NJFX famously hosts a reception at PTC every year that joins young talent in the industry and industry leaders to discuss the past and empower the future. The classic event has become a staple of the PTC conference exploring new innovative ways to attract newcomers and raise awareness

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Luminaries in Telecom “Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson”

Luminaries in Telecom: Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson

Dr. Jackson remains a beacon for women and minorities in the sciences

Kevin Ayerdis

Site Access

Novemeber 10, 2022

WALL TOWNSHIP, NJThis month we’re spotlighting our first (of many) leading female features, the trailblazing Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson! Featured in the National Women’s Hall of Fame, she’s been an ideal role model for women in science and academia worldwide for decades. Like previously featured Luminaries, Dr. Jackson’s innovations in physics caused ripple effects in multiple industries, including telecom. After learning more about Dr. Jackson in today’s feature I’m sure you will want to sing the praises of this amazing woman!


Dr. Jackson was born and raised in Washington DC, an especially important location later in her career. During her high school years in the 1960s, she was especially perceived as an outlier, being a young woman so intensely excelling that the principal for the boys at her high school mentored her to pursue the sciences. Having graduated as her high school’s Valedictorian, she made history as being among the first African Americans to attend Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one of the most elite science and engineering universities worldwide and a hub of modern technology. Dr. Jackson exemplifies this by being the first Black female to receive a doctorate in theoretical solid-state physics from MIT in 1973.

The new PhD. research landed her a position as a visiting science associate at the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Switzerland. Her work on subatomic particles there served as a springboard back home to DC, where she studied theoretical physics at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. She managed this while also being elected to MIT Corporation’s Board of Trustees only 3 years after graduating! Fast forward a bit and now your ears may perk, as her contributions to telecom industry began soon after taking a position at the iconic Bell Labs, which drew the best and brightest researchers from everywhere. Here, Dr. Jackson began conducting experiments focusing on the electronic properties of ceramic materials in hopes that they could act as superconductors of electric currents.

Her breakthroughs in physics are involved with much of what we now know in telecommunications and were instrumental in paving the way towards advancements in multiple technologies we continue to use today:  the portable fax, touch-tone telephone, solar cells, fiber optic cables, and technology behind caller ID and call waiting to name a few. Dr. Jackson had quite memorable a time at Bell Laboratories, where she met her future husband, fellow physicist Dr. Morris A. Washington. While working at Bell Labs and becoming a widely trusted expert in her field, she then took the honorable mantle of educator as she was appointed professor of physics at Rutgers University. She became a mentor and set an example for women in sciences by sharing her experiences with young minds from all over the world.

Proving this further, Dr. Jackson went on to accumulate accolades galore, taking many positions in her illustrious career:

  • President of The Society of Black Physicists
  • Member of the New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology
  • President Clinton named her Chair of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
  • Inductee of National Women’s Hall of Fame

Dr. Jackson led the formation of the International Nuclear Regulators Association. In addition to these titles and accolades, she became the eighteenth president of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Here Dr. Jackson remains a beacon for women and minorities in the sciences. She has been using her status by bringing much-needed attention to the ongoing “Quiet Crisis” of America’s predicted inability to innovate in the face of a looming scientific workforce shortage. As an especially important representative being an empowered and impassioned woman in science at the top of her field, Dr. Jackson has voiced her goal for Rensselaer: “To achieve prominence in the 21st century as a top-tier world-class technological research university, with global reach and global impact.”

And of course, there is much more to Dr. Jackson’s story that we may tell in the future, but this concludes this month’s feature in the “Luminaries in Telecom” series. Please feel free to add to the conversation! Had you heard of Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson before? What did you take away from her pursuits? Sound off in the comments below with any fun facts/specifics that may have been missed! Any suggestions for a person in Telecom history you think deserves a feature send a message to [email protected]. We at NJFX hope you’ve gleaned a bit of inspiration to take with you through the rest of your week!



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Evolving Operating Models and Technologies In Subsea Cable Deployment

Evolving Operating Models & Technologies in Subsea Deployment

Working with today’s technology has created huge evolvement in learning trends and techniques to run a successful infrastructure

Gil Santaliz



London, UK – NJFX CEO Gil Santaliz moderated a panel of telecom leaders at Capacity Europe covering some of the most significant issues facing the industry…

    • Global conflicts and physical risks to undersea fiber
    • Exploring mentorship initiatives along with diversity and inclusion
    • The challenges — especially environmental and regulatory — in upgrading existing cable routes
    • Operating model dynamics – the influence that is exerted by the OTTs and the nuances in the execution of a consortium-led model
    • How the technological and economic models are changing in the deployment of subsea cables, in particular changes in materials in the use of aluminum, and the increasing quality of fiber copper connectivity

The Panelists:

Gil Santaliz, CEO, NJFX  (Moderator)

Panagiota Bosdogianni, CTO, OTEGLOBE

Gavin Rea, CTO, Gulf Bridge International (GBI)

Alice Shelton, Senior Consultant, Global Submarine Sales, Ciena

Carlos Dasi, CTO, Telxius

Subsea Infrastructure Targeted
In recent months, there has been a threat to the security of the critical subsea infrastructure. Recent events affecting subsea cables are leading to reevaluations of security precautions to prevent vandalism. In mid-October, a fishing trawler accidentally severed subsea cables to the Shetland Islands in Scotland. A case of vandalism disrupted telecom service in Marseilles, France.

Telxius subsea systems are unique by diverting from the other cables and landing in southern Europe. NJFX CEO Gil Santaliz asked the panelists what can there be done to protect the subsea cable systems from these threats?

“It’s a hard question. Diversity is important.” Telxius CTO Carlos Dasi said.

Santaliz added, “There are fourteen cables that are connecting the Atlantic including five brand new systems and nine legacy cables. Diversity is the most important part of having the most capacity possible. Companies like, Ciena, need to be prepared to support a hurricane in Florida that continues to Myrtle Beach. Do you have the equipment available for the other cable to pick up the capacity?”

“If you have damage, you can always move the equipment,” said Alice Shelton, Senior Consultant Global Submarine Sales at Ciena. “A lot of those cables you mentioned including TGN, FA-1, AC-1, and Yellow are all coming to the end of life. There are new systems coming across carrying increased capacity. You mention five new cables, which is not a lot of diversity, however, with all fourteen cables that give higher chance. I think there is going to be more transatlantic systems coming as those nine cables retire.”

“The economics do not allow the older cables to compete with the new cables,” Santaliz added. “How is the Mediterranean dealing with the refresh of cables?”

Gavin Rea, CTO at Gulf Ridge International, replied, “The next two or three years there will be new cables being installed that will increase diversity in the Red Sea. If anything would happen in Egypt we diversify and explore routes through Iraq and Iran to get extra diversity. We need to look at it as an industry and see how many cables are going into Marseille, luckily, we have others that give you an assortment of routes. We just announced Greece data center to Egypt, big development.”

“Is Greece going to be a big hub for cables?” Santaliz asked.

“Greece would be providing diversity when the market fails,” Panagiota Bosdogianni, CTO, of OTEGLOBE adds. “We are seeing a lot of announcements of cables entering Greece and for us being a Greek company it will attract more interest to our market. We are looking into the capabilities and the revolution of subsea cables and data centers in Crete and Athens. Greece will be the bridge point in the coming years.”

Conflicts around the world pose considerable challenges to network security, however.

“The Middle East is very challenging. You see how quickly things are moving in these countries until you find a balance. We will have to see how these political relationships will work out.  Ukraine’s situation is extremely impacting communication and has caused fiber infrastructure damage,” Rae said.

Embracing Next Gen
Capacity is striving to encourage young talent interested in the industry at round table discussions with executive leaders in telecom. Mentoring the next generation of industry professionals is extremely important to shape a brighter and more sustainable future.

During a panel at Capacity Europe, NJFX CEO Gil Santaliz posed a question about mentorship about the most important leadership characteristics and educating professionals about them.

“At Telxius, we have a mentoring program that brings out the confidence we need in people, has them think outside the box, and wants to add exciting initiatives within the business. The industry is very traditional in ways and bringing new talent can bring a fresh perspective,” Telxius CTO Carlos Dasi responded.

Siena’s  Shelton added how an initiative at  SubOptic, a non-profit for the industry, has become extremely active. “The Diversity and Inclusion Group had 15 mentees and 16 mentors that participated through the program last year,” she said. “They brought the Group back and have expanded to 25 mentors and 25 mentees this year!”

“It is a fantastic program that SupOptic has created,” Gil Santaliz added. “Our General Manager, Felix Seda, is part of that initiative alongside the PTC Advisory on working to have younger generations participate in the conference and getting a seat at the table.”

”There is a lot of history that has been forgotten, as well as a lot of experience that has been lost as people leave the industry,” says Gulf Ridge’s Rae. “The ability to question those changes, to think outside the box, and recognize that certain things must be done in a specific way is important.”

The subject drew questions and raised eyebrows regarding how to mentor the following generation and prepare for the change in the evolution of these subsea cables.

New World Cables & Challenges at Sea
Technology companies are guiding subsea cable systems toward greater market participation, with Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft serving as the main movers to connect social media networks, cloud computing, and other bandwidth-intensive tasks.

Telxius has been doing groundbreaking work and leading to the landing of a cable in Virginia Beach with high-count cables.

“You had to overcome many things to make a successful cable landing station,” said Santaliz. “What challenges did you have to overcome in developing the CLS with 3 subsea cables, that I consider new world cables today, Marea, Brusa, and Dunant?”

“The main talent is to have the capacity to get everything ready and hope the customers have the best services,” Dasi replied. “It is not just infrastructure, but there are a lot of providers that are providing the same services as capacity and colocation, etc. We have great growth in the data center market.”

The Value: Copper VS Aluminum 
Is there any innovation in subsea cables using aluminum instead of copper, besides cost?

“Aluminum is slightly cheaper, but the key point is a more stable supply source. The other point is you can use different amounts of aluminum to affect the cable. Have high resilience cable to save on the material or go a lot on the material and have low resilience but you will go a further distance. It is possible, but it needs to be proven environmentally and economically before starting a project,” Shelton added.


About NJFX:
NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees


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Telxius teams up with NJFX to Deliver Fully Diverse Subsea Cable Connectivity Across the Atlantic and Latin America

Telxius teams up with NJFX to Deliver Fully Diverse Subsea Cable Connectivity Across the Atlantic and Latin America

The agreement extends the Marea, Dunant and Brusa subsea cable systems to New Jersey to provide customers with enhanced diversity and seamless access to key North American digital hubs 

October 18, 2022  

Madrid, Spain and Wall Township, NJ, US – Telxius, the leading digital telecommunications infrastructure operator, has teamed up with NJFX, the carrier-neutral Cable Landing Station (CLS) colocation campus in Wall, New Jersey, to give customers on-demand access to redundant subsea cable infrastructure across the Atlantic and Latin America. This collaboration allows Telxius to provide its customers with fully diverse global solutions through submarine cables landing at or nearby NJFX and serve subsea cable restoration needs between cable systems landing at NJFX and the Telxius’ Virginia Beach cable landing station.

Telxius is now offering a direct terrestrial fibre route between its CLS in Virginia Beach to NJFX’s campus. This new, unique route is the most direct link between NJFX and Telxius VA Beach CLS, extending the capabilities and services related to Telxius’ Marea, Dunant and Brusa subsea cable systems. Customers in key hubs in Chicago, Montreal, New York, Richmond and Toronto will benefit from multiterabit capacity, a wide range of advanced services on next-generation subsea infrastructure and enhanced diverse connectivity across international digital hubs. This vital link bypasses Ashburn, VA, satisfying the requirements of customers seeking diversity from overly dense infrastructure in Ashburn.

“We are continually finding new ways to enhance the reliability and resiliency of our global infrastructure. Our collaboration with NJFX gives customers rapid access to critical infrastructure and satisfies the diversity and low latency needs of some of the most demanding customers in the financial sector,” said Gerardo Bonilla, Head of Sales at Telxius. “NJFX has a track record of supporting some of the largest players in international networking and is continually growing its ecosystem. We look forward to growing together and offering ultra-reliable global connectivity.”

Telxius’ new presence at NJFX will provide NJFX’s customers with direct access to the Telxius global submarine network consisting of over 80,000 km of high-capacity fibre optic submarine cables with diverse terrestrial backhauls. This will allow NJFX’s customers access to Telxius complete array of services Including Tier-1 IP Transit, global capacity, colocation and security solutions. Telxius’ low latency, diverse and robust Atlantic routes are powered by almost 100 PoPs in 18 countries, 25 landing stations and two communications hubs connecting to world-leading data centres. By joining the NJFX interconnection platform, Telxius and its customers gain direct, on-demand interconnection with Havfrue/AEC-2, Seabras-1, TGN1 and TGN2, providing diverse connectivity across both the Atlantic and to Latin America.

“Telxius provides customers with fresh connectivity options to crucial European digital hubs as well as Latin American markets that are expanding quickly. The ‘trusted middle mile’ of interconnected independent networks is improved thanks to our cooperation with Telxius,” said Gil Santaliz, CEO of NJFX. “It’s wonderful to see new redundancy to boost service quality throughout the Atlantic and Latin America as we work to increase uptime and lessen the effects of service interruptions. We are thrilled to have Telxius at NJFX and to be collaborating with them to provide clients with the finest services.”

Enterprise, content, media, government, and communications providers can take advantage of redundancy, decreased latency, and high-quality connectivity with fewer global points of failure thanks to NJFX. Through a physical presence and access to the Meet-Me-Room (MMR) within its Tier-3 CLS campus, NJFX ensures that each carrier network interconnection is designed and maintained with reliable architectural diversity. NJFX is home to some of the biggest and most cutting-edge companies in global networking.


About Telxius

Telxius is a global leading digital telecommunications infrastructure operator. Our international high-capacity fibre optic submarine cable network covers 80,000 km and comprises six next-generation systems: Marea, Brusa, Dunant, Tannat, Junior and Mistral. Through our Tier 1 IP network we provide direct internet connectivity, with almost 100 points of presence in 18 countries. We also deliver a wide-ranging portfolio of capacity, colocation and security services. Thus, we contribute to creating collaboration agreements in the sector and facilitating global communications with our customers.

Colt understands today’s shifting connectivity requirements and provides agile, on-demand and secure high bandwidth networking and voice solutions to ensure enterprises can thrive. Customers include data-intensive organisations spanning over 220 cities in more than 32 countries. Colt is a recognized innovator and pioneer in Software Defined Networks (SDN) and Network Function Virtualisation (NFV). Privately owned, Colt is one of the most financially sound companies in the sector, and because of this, it’s able to put its customers’ needs at its core.

About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

For NJFX media inquiries, please contact: [email protected]

Telxius teams up with NJFX to Deliver Fully Diverse Subsea Cable Connectivity Across the Atlantic and Latin America Read More »

Colt launches PoP at NJFX bolstering subsea connectivity across the Atlantic

Colt launches PoP at NJFX bolstering subsea connectivity across the Atlantic

Carriers can now access Colt Technology Services through their new point of presence (PoP) at the NJFX campus in Wall, New Jersey.

October 18, 2022  

New point of presence (PoP) will connect Colt’s IQ Network in the New York metro market to NJFX, giving Colt direct access to the AEC-2 subsea cable system coming ashore at its NJFX landing station in Wall, New Jersey. The PoP will offer Colt customers alternative routes to other Transatlantic systems such as Dunant, Marea, Brusa, and AEC-1.


NJFX, a Tier 3 carrier-neutral Cable Landing Station (CLS) colocation campus, has today announced that Colt Technology Services, a leading global provider of agile, high-bandwidth connectivity solutions, has added a point of presence (PoP) at the NJFX campus in Wall, New Jersey.

The new PoP will give Colt customers on-demand access to redundant subsea cable infrastructure across the Atlantic to Europe. The partnership means Colt can offer enhanced options for fully diverse global solutions through submarine cables landing at NJFX.

The high bandwidth, low latency Colt IQ Network connects more than 1000 data centres and over 31,000 on net buildings across Europe, Asia and North America’s largest business hubs.

By opening a PoP in NJFX’s diverse ecosystem, Colt and its customers gain direct, on-demand interconnection with Havfrue/AEC-2, Seabras-1, TGN1 and TGN2, providing diverse connectivity across the Americas, Europe, and the Caribbean.

“Since the launch of our intelligent, 400Gbps optimised Colt IQ Network in 2016, we have continued to double down on reach, security and resiliency, and this is another example of how we’re enhancing our digital infrastructure globally. Our collaboration with NJFX gives Colt customers rapid access to critical digital infrastructure and satisfies the diversity and low latency needs of some of the most demanding customers in the financial sector,” said Robin Farnan, EVP – Operations & Engineering at Colt.

“NJFX has a track record of supporting some of the largest players in international networking and is continually growing its ecosystem. We look forward to growing together and offering ultra-reliable global connectivity,” he added.

“Colt offers our customers new connectivity options to key digital hubs in Europe as well as rapidly developing markets globally. Our collaboration with Colt gives customers increased choice while enhancing the ‘trusted middle mile’ of telecommunications networks,” said Gil Santaliz, CEO at NJFX. “It is great to see new redundancy to strengthen the quality of service across the Atlantic as we help to maximize uptime and minimize the impact of service disruptions. We’re excited to have Colt’s presence at NJFX and to be working together to deliver the best possible services for customers.” 

NJFX enables enterprise, content, media, government and communications providers to benefit from redundancy, reduced latency, and high-quality connectivity with fewer international points of failure. NJFX ensures each carrier network interconnection is designed and maintained with reliable architectural diversity, through a physical presence and access to the Meet-Me-Room (MMR) within its Tier-3 CLS campus. Some of the largest and most innovative businesses in international networking have presence in NJFX.


About Colt

Colt strives to transform the way the world works through the power of connectivity, taking what’s always been in its DNA to enable customers’ success. The Colt IQ Network connects more than 1000 data centres and over 31,000 on net buildings across Europe, Asia and North America’s largest business hubs.

Colt understands today’s shifting connectivity requirements and provides agile, on-demand and secure high bandwidth networking and voice solutions to ensure enterprises can thrive. Customers include data-intensive organisations spanning over 220 cities in more than 32 countries. Colt is a recognized innovator and pioneer in Software Defined Networks (SDN) and Network Function Virtualisation (NFV). Privately owned, Colt is one of the most financially sound companies in the sector, and because of this, it’s able to put its customers’ needs at its core.

About NJFX 

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

For NJFX media inquiries, please contact: [email protected]

Colt launches PoP at NJFX bolstering subsea connectivity across the Atlantic Read More »

Luminaries in Telecom “The Man Who Bent Light”

Luminaries in Telecom: The Man Who Bent Light

 Dr. Kapany is colloquially known as the Father of Fiber Optics.

Kevin Ayerdis

Site Access

October 5, 2022

WALL TOWNSHIP, NJ – Welcome back to NJFX’s Luminaries in Telecom! This month we’re shining a spotlight onto the Nobel Prize-deserving Dr. Narinder Singh Kapany. A man of many accolades, Dr. Kapany was a trailblazing technologist, passionate academic, astute entrepreneur, art aficionado (especially of his Sikh heritage) and an ardent philanthropist. Fortune magazine got it right naming him one the ‘Unsung Heroes of the 20th century’. He not only created fiber optics but used his invention to found multiple successful enterprises that thrive to this day. Dr. Kapany was the first to transmit images through fiber optics in 1954, laying the foundations for high-speed internet technology. Dr. Kapany is colloquially known as the Father of Fiber Optics.


As a proud Sikh, born in Moga, India, an especially curious academic from an early age, Dr. Kapany (1926-2020) proclaimed his passions have humble beginnings: “It started when my father gifted me a small camera, I became so curious tinkering around with its inner workings!” This small spark of childhood curiosity luckily led him into the pursuit of learning how our world works through science. While Dr. Kapany was at a lecture in college, his professor was teaching about the nature of light, “Light’s path needed to travel in a direct and linear pathway for maximum efficiency.” Upon hearing this, Dr. Kapany’s gears turned…this simply wasn’t true he proclaimed! Dr. Kapany made it his life’s mission to prove what he knew to be true: Not only could light be maneuvered but light can also be used to communicate! His discoveries about the nature of light served as the basis of fiber optics that we use to this day!

Dr. Kapany swiftly finished his studies in India and, upon entering graduate school at the Imperial College of London in 1952, he realized that he wasn’t alone in his pursuit for the truth behind the nature of light. Decades-long experiments about transmitting light through thin glass filaments were being conducted by researchers across Europe. Unfortunately, post-WWII materials shortages had stalled progress. During this time, Kapany enthusiastically persuaded a would-be mentor, Professor Harold Hopkins, to take him on as a research assistant, leading to a strong bond. Hopkins, a fortified theorist, provided the conceptualizations. Dr. Kapany, who was more technically minded and pragmatic, put words to action. In just two years’ time, the pair announced their discovery in Nature, a leading scientific journal, displaying for the world to see the first fiber optics!

In the following years after the innovation was recognized by the world, in 1960 he penned a cover article for Scientific American. Kapany detailed his findings — literally “writing the book” — on his invention naming the thin strands of glass we all know (and love), Fiber Optics: Principles and Applications. Dr. Kapany seemingly always accelerated the field at the speed of light (pun intended) and became an enterprising entrepreneur touting his invention’s many applications. That same year, he founded Optics Technology serving as Chairman, President, and Research Director for 12 years. Seven years later, the company went public, leading to numerous global partnerships and Dr. Kapany joining the boards of various companies. Never one to rest of his laurels, he was the lead author or co-author publishing 56 papers. His intellectual prowess led to his contribution of an unprecedented 30% of all research in the field at the time!

The media took to calling Dr. Kapany The Father of Fiber Optics, and The Man Who Bent Light. Some publications even reported he had been swindled out of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize in Physics, which instead went to a colleague and somewhat of a would-be rival, Sir Charles Kao, for his own innovations in fiber optics. Dr. Kapany should be especially remembered for propagating fiber optics into government/corporate research budgets. The sum of Dr. Kapany’s work incapsulates not just fiber optic communications, but a long list of advances in technology such as medical instruments, pollutant research, various types of lasers, biomedical instrumentation, and renewable energy to name a few. Dr. Kapany’s never-ending drive ensured that the world-changing breakthroughs that he and his mentor Hopkins deciphered all those decades ago continued to blossom.

Although he may have been denied his Nobel Prize, in a roundabout way, I’m sure Sir Kao embracing Kapany’s invention so wholly, elated Kapany in somewhat of a paternal sense. Dr. Kapany sadly passed in 2020 at the age of 94, having witnessed how the world embraced his work and leaving behind a deep technological legacy. The article you are reading now is possible through the technology Dr. Kapany developed.  Regardless, Dr. Kapany was and always will, be widely beloved by the scientific community having received numerous awards throughout his lifetime. To his name, he had over one hundred patents and was a representative of the National Inventors Council. Throughout his life, Kapany accentuated his Sikh upbringing by founding the Sikh Foundation. He donated his collection of Sikh art to museums, including the San Francisco Asian Art Museum and Montreal’s Fine Arts Museum.

And of course, there is much more to Dr. Kapany’s story, we may return to the story of “The Man Who Bent Light” in the future but for now this concludes this month’s feature in the “Luminaries in Telecom” series. Please feel free to add to the conversation! Had you heard of Dr. Narinder Singh Kapany before? What did you take away from his boundless energy? Sound off in the comments below with any fun facts/specifics that may have been missed! Any suggestions for a person in Telecom history you think deserves a feature send a message to [email protected]. As symbolic tuition to this Luminary, I hope some may plan to visit this exhibit and gaze upon these same works that he found so captivating, possibly taking with you a bit of inspiration!


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