

Chile’s Digital Transformation

Chile’s Digital Transformation

Gil Santaliz


Ryan Imkemeier

Cable Landing Station Manager

Originally published by Capacity Media on May 17, 2021.

May 19, 2021


In March 2020, NJFX founder and CEO Gil Santaliz, was in São Paulo for Capacity Latam. It was shortly before flights were grounded by the pandemic – a move that would force him to leave the show early – but that’s not the point of his story. As luck would have it, while Santaliz was out of the country, he received a phone call to say Chile’s Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTT) was visiting the US and wanted to tour NJFX.

“They wanted to get better insight into how cables operated in the US going to Europe, as well as going down to South America,” says Santaliz via video call from New Jersey.

In his absence, business development manager Sarah Kurtz hosted the delegates, alongside industry heavyweights from Tata Communications and Aqua Comms. But this was no run-of-the-mill tour. The visiting party included Natalia López, the head of the Telecommunications Development Fund division for the government of Chile and lead on the Asia-South America Digital Gateway Project.

López and the team didn’t just want to look at NJFX; the delegation wanted to understand the role of an integrated, colocation cable landing station (CLS) in creating a connectivity a gateway.

“Three years ago, the Undersecretariat of Telecommunications in Chile decided to move forward to make Chile a digital hub,” López explains.

“In order to reach that, we are deploying more than 15,000 kms of optical fibre for high-capacity domestic networks. This deployment will allow all localities to have access to a fibre-optic connection, doubling the current backbone capacity of data transmission for those areas. Alongside of that, we have worked strongly to enhance international connectivity,” López continues.

The two-part plan saw a sharp increase in the number of international interconnection points with neighbouring countries, achieved by developing fibre over 12 new border crossings, and then the first fibre route to link South America directly with Asia.

In progress

Due to the impending Covid lockdowns the party had to leave NJFX early, meaning Santaliz didn’t get to meet López in person; however, the knowledge share continued over the ensuing months and the Asia-South America Digital Gateway Project is moving at pace.

“We haven’t travelled since, nor have they, but we had the communication with the ministry from Chile and they are moving forward with their project,” Santaliz explains.

The digital gateway was announced in 2019 when MTT and the development bank of Latin America, CAF, signed a $3 million technical cooperation agreement to finance feasibility studies, later conducted by Subsecretaría de Comunicaciones (SUBTEL), Chile’s telecom regulator. The initial aim was to lay a cable up to 15,000 miles long with at least two fibre pairs and a transmission capacity of 10-20 Tbp.

“With these developments, Chile’s international bandwidth capacity will undergo a 40-fold increment,” López says.
The Transoceanic Cable was confirmed in July 2020 and officially named Humboldt by the regulator in January this year – with a route that would link Valparaiso, Chile with New Zealand and Sydney. According to the Chilean government it was the most cost-effective route, although Shanghai was originally being considered before international concerns were raised.

That aside, Santaliz says: “They are moving on their efforts to have Chile become the gateway towards, in this case Australia and from there on to Asia, basically. So Chile is the first country in Latin America creating this new gateway across to Sydney.”

López adds: “Currently, as there aren’t any direct routes to Asia Pacific, traffic from South America goes through the US. That directly impacts the latency and quality of service which is critical for new technology requirements such as 5G or IoT.

“We expect Humboldt will reduce the latency between the continents significantly, it will increase South America’s available capacity, it will provide diversity to existing regional routes that rely strongly on the US, and it will offer an alternative route to traditional Trans-Pacific systems.”

Over 2020 a series of further announcements emerged from the country. On the data centre front, EdgeConneX opened the first of two facilities in Santiago, and Huawei announced its second hub in the country would open in the same city by the end of the year.

Google’s 10,500km Curie cable landed in the coastal city of Valparaiso and phase two of the Caribbean Express cable was announced, connecting Panama to Chile, then linking into Ecuador and Peru.

Accenture calculates that in 2018 the digital economy accounted for 22% of Chile’s GDP and, as it will in other nations, 5G will drive that figure even higher in the coming years.

It’s a priority area for López and the departments she works with, and there’s much work ahead to secure the opportunity.
“Moving forward with the main objective, we have worked hard to lead the development of 5G networks in our region by being the first country to make spectrum available for 5G networks,” she says.

“In a context marked by the pandemic, with economic slowdown and drop in investments throughout the region, the Chilean telecommunications sector is expected to support the national economic recovery effort,” she continues. According to her figures, telecoms will bring more than $3 billion in investments through new projects and will create 60,000 new jobs, “which will play an important role for the country’s economic recovery in the coming years”.

“In addition, various reports indicate that 5G will generate an economic impact of 1% of GDP by 2035, as long as we are innovative to work on creating value. This 5G digital infrastructure is what will allow Chile to compete in the 4.0 digital economy of AI and the Internet of Things,” says López (pictured below).

Independent LatAm

On that point, the knowledge exchange with NJFX has covered a number of topics.

“We have shared with them the concept of being open, the benefits of having a landing station used for multiple cables, not just one at a time,” Santaliz explains.

“We gave our advice to them and they are reviewing it and we have conversations on their architecture. Depending on the final grouping they have, the members of this new cable, we might even be able to develop their landing station for them. So that’s an opportunity that we would consider, depending on who the anchor consortium members would be for that,” he adds.

Developing a CLS takes up to two years, by which time Chile’s requirements will have progressed significantly, but the country – and wider region – are well ahead in preparing for future needs.


“There’s an incredible amount of investment already happening in South America,” says Santaliz, citing the Monet, BRUSA and Seabras-1 cables.

“They are going to start going through the end-of-life cycle with the existing cables that are there and one of the challenges is to make sure that the new cables – even though they have so much greater capacity than the old cables – you’re going to still need more of them,” he adds, before revealing that, “we should expect two more cables announced within the next two years.”

However, this next generation of cables – such as Ellalink, connecting Lat Am to the US, and the South Atlantic Cable System linking Angola with Brazil – will not depend on the US. It’s a trend Santaliz says is bringing independence to the region, but it needs to extend beyond the shoreline – and that’s a subject he is so passionate about, he featured on this year’s day three Capacity Latam panel, Delivering diverse connectivity to Latin America.

“The last challenge is you have the arteries built but do you have the capillarity in place? Is there going to be a competitive landscape for capillarity in Lat Am? Because inexpensive international capacity doesn’t give you very much if you don’t have competitive local access. The ministry is very aware that it is not about landing a cable – how do we get that cable’s connectivity across the country?

“So that’s the next challenge you’re going to have to develop – getting that infrastructure built,” Santaliz adds. While he’s a fan of the public-private model championed by the US for its rural connectivity needs, he sees another, equally transferable model, gaining popularity.

“What you are seeing is partnerships that we have not seen before.”

Giving an example, he explains: “The MVNOs… In the US if you have Verizon making the investment, they are going to allow Comcast, they are going to allow Altice, AT&T to piggyback on the deployment of their 5G. So you are going to see multiple partners that are non-traditional, starting to work together, to make the economics of 5G work in the US.”
In short, it’s all about “understanding what the private sector’s costs are in deploying private infrastructure”.

No doubt such trends will wash up on Chile’s shore, but for now the focus is on the plan in motion.

“To sum up, we can say that Humboldt cable is part of a very ambitious plan of the government of Chile to promote the essential digital infrastructure to become a key player in the digital economy and becoming a hub in our region,” López concludes.


About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

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Chile’s Digital Transformation

Chile’s Digital Transformation

Leveraging its Pacific coast, Chile will soon host a digital gateway linking Latin America to Asia. But with the power to solve a nationwide challenge, it’s bringing more than connectivity, NJFX founder and CEO Gil Santaliz tells Melanie Mingas.

Gil Santaliz


Article originally published by Melanie Mingas of Capacity Media on April 26th, 2021.

April 26, 2021

In March 2020, NJFX’s Gil Santaliz was in São Paulo for Capacity Latam. It was shortly before flights were grounded by the pandemic – a move that would force him to leave the show early – but that’s not the point of his story. As luck would have it, while Santaliz was out of the country, he received a phone call to say Chile’s Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTT) was visiting the US and wanted to tour NJFX.

“They wanted to get better insight into how cables operated in the US going to Europe, as well as going down to South America,” says Santaliz via video call from New Jersey.

In his absence, business development manager Sarah Kurtz hosted the delegates, alongside industry heavyweights from Tata Communications and Aqua Comms. But this wasn’t a run-of-the-mill tour. The visiting party included Natalia López, the head of the Telecommunications Development Fund division for the government of Chile and lead on the Asia-South America Digital Gateway Project.

López and the team didn’t just want to look at NJFX; the delegation wanted to understand the role of an integrated, colocation cable landing station (CLS) in creating a connectivity a gateway.

“They wanted to know how does it work for you guys in the US? How does it work to be in a campus environment supporting four different subsea cables? How do the subsea groups benefit from what you have created?

“And then trying to see first-hand the design of the building, how we segment subsea and terrestrial, what a carrier-neutral meeting room looks like, and talk in more depth about their projects,” Santaliz continues.

Due to the impending Covid lockdowns the party had to leave early, meaning Santaliz didn’t get to meet them in person; however, the knowledge share continued over the ensuing months and the Asia-South America Digital Gateway Project is
moving at pace.

“We haven’t travelled since, nor have they, but we had the communication with the ministry from Chile and they are moving forward with their project – Chile is becoming a new gateway for South America,” Santaliz explains.

The digital gateway was announced in 2019 when MTT and the development bank of Latin America, CAF, signed a $3 million technical cooperation agreement to finance feasibility studies, later conducted by Chile’s telecom regulator Subtel. A cable integration, the initial aim was to lay a cable up to 15,000 miles long with at least two fibre pairs and a transmission capacity of 10-20Tbps.

The Transoceanic Cable was confirmed the following year in July, with a route that would link Valparaiso, Chile with New Zealand and Sydney. According to the Chilean government it was the most cost-effective route, although Shanghai
was originally being considered before international concerns were raised.

That aside, Santaliz says: “They are moving on their efforts to have Chile become the gateway towards, in this case Australia and from there on to Asia, basically. So Chile is the first country in Latin America creating this new gateway
across to Sydney.”

The link will also play a part of the success of the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, the “first of its kind” agreement that came into force in December, for digital trade and data flows between Singapore, Chile and New

During 2020 a series of further announcements emerged from the country. On the data centre front, EdgeConneX opened the first of two facilities in Santiago and Huawei announced its second hub in the country would open in the same city by the end of the year.

Google’s 10,500km Curie cable landed in the coastal city of Valparaiso and phase two of the Caribbean Express cable was announced, connecting Panama to Chile, then linking into Ecuador and Peru.

OECD analysis published this year concluded that Chile saw the most rapid adoption of mobile broadband in the OECD between 2010 and 2018, with a 10-fold increase in subscriptions. At 87.5%, household connectivity is on a par
with OECD averages and business broadband connectivity is also high, at 89.6%, according to the first Chilean ICT survey conducted in 2019.

However, fixed broadband penetration remains a challenge and, despite having one of the highest rates of annual growth of fibre subscriptions across OECD countries, it stood at 66.5% between 2018 and 2019. Further, fibre connections
account for 25% of total broadband connections and 50% of these connections concentrated in the Región Metropolitana, according to Subtel data.

Independent Latam

The knowledge exchange with NJFX has covered a number of topics, but many come back to tackling these, and similar, challenges.

“We have shared the concept of being open, the benefits of having a landing station used for multiple cables not just one at a time,” Santaliz explains.

“We gave our advice to them and they are reviewing it and we have conversations on their architecture. Depending on the final grouping they have, the members of this new cable, we might even be able to develop their landing station for them. So that’s an opportunity that we would consider, depending on who the anchor consortium members would be for that,” he adds.

Developing a CLS takes up to two years, by which time Chile’s requirements will have progressed significantly, but the country – and wider region – are well ahead in preparing for future needs.

“There’s an incredible amount of investment already happening in South America,” says Santaliz, citing the Monet, BRUSA and Seabras-1 cables.

“They are going to start going through the end-of-life cycle with the existing cables that are there and one of the challenges is to make sure that the new cables – even though they have so much greater capacity than the old cables – you’re going to still need more of them,” he adds, before revealing that, “we should expect two more cables announced within the next two years.”

However, this next generation of cables – such as Ellalink, connecting Latam to the US, and the South Atlantic Cable System linking Angola with Brazil – will not depend on the US. It’s a trend Santaliz says is bringing independence to the region, but it needs to extend beyond the shoreline – and that’s a subject Santaliz is so passionate about, he features on this year’s day three Capacity Latam panel, Delivering diverse connectivity to Latin America.

“The last challenge is you have the arteries built but do you have the capillarity in place? Is there going to be a competitive landscape for capillarity in Latam? Because inexpensive international capacity doesn’t give you very much if you don’t have competitive local access. The ministry is very aware that it is not about landing a cable – how do we get that cable’s connectivity across the country?

“So that’s the next challenge you’re going to have to develop – getting that infrastructure built,” Santaliz adds. While he’s a fan of the public-private model championed by the US for its rural connectivity needs, he sees another trend
unfolding in the industry.

“What you are seeing is partnerships that we have not seen before.”

Giving an example, he explains: “The MVNOs [mobile virtual network operators]… In the US, if you have Verizon making the investment, they are going to allow Comcast, they are going to allow Altice, AT&T to piggyback on the deployment of their 5G. So you are going to see multiple partners that are non-traditional, starting to work together, to make the economics of 5G work in the US.” In short, it’s all about “understanding what the private sector’s costs are in deploying private infrastructure”.

While these partnerships are all about managing the cost, other market shifts are starting to make waves too.

“The private sector adapts to the environment it has and we are part of that private sector and we are adapting to higher availability, better security and better network architecture,” Santaliz says.

For Santaliz, one major adaptation that connectivity will allow – in all regions – is the creation of more over-the-top operators (OTTs). Not just peddling content but providing essential services such as banking and healthcare.

“Facebook was an idea, today it is running global network architecture,” he says. “The banking industry needs to make sure their stuff always works also – they have a philosophy of never being down, never missing a transaction. How can you let a social media company have a better up time than a bank? Who are you going to trust in the future, your Facebook account or your banking account?

“You are going to see a new wave of OTTs who cannot afford not to have the best-in-class assets. They are going to know how the architecture works and they are going to redistribute how their connectivity gets applied.”

Whether more industries taking matters into their own hands is a sign of progress or failure on the part of the incumbent connectors is a point of debate – however, whether banking, healthcare, or both, Santaliz could be onto something.

“This connectivity revolution that we are a part of is changing social dynamics and it is going to allow us to rethink traditional industries in a way that will provide a lot more efficiency.”


About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

Chile’s Digital Transformation Read More »


NJFX Participates with the United Nations in Helping to Bridge the Digital Divide

NJFX Participates with the United Nations in Helping to Bridge the Digital Divide

Efforts Aimed at Getting the Other Half of the World Online

March 29, 2021


Wall Township, NJ – March 29, 2021 – NJFX, the only Cable Landing Station (CLS) colocation campus in the U.S offering Tier 3, carrier-neutral data center capabilities, today announced that it will join the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) to help bring connectivity to underserved areas. There are about 7.8 billion people in the world, and according to the ITU, 3.7 billion of them remain unconnected to the internet, representing nearly half the world’s population. NJFX is proud to join in this effort and recognizes that increasingly, internet access is becoming just as important as vital utilities like electricity and water.

The ITU is the United Nations’ specialized agency for information and communication technologies. NJFX has received federal approval to become an ITU Development (ITU-D) Sector member and has been officially confirmed to the group.

“NJFX is proud to be an ITU-D Sector member and bring awareness and expertise to this critical need of getting the rest of the world internet access, wherever they live and whatever their conditions, online,” comments Gil Santaliz, NJFX Founder and CEO. “To become a Sector member, we received U.S. Department of State scrutiny and approval. We are appreciative of our membership status with the ITU as they strive to improve access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) to underserved communities worldwide.”

NJFX currently has some of the world’s largest Tier 1 IP providers colocated at its CLS Campus including Altice, Cogent, Lumen (formerly known as CenturyLink), Hurricane Electric, Tata, Telia, Verizon and Zayo. NJFX is also now coordinating with the largest U.S. eyeball networks to deleverage New York City for critical content delivery. In addition to providing connectivity where it’s needed, access to content, including to major U.S. financial institutions, needs to be available during times of manmade or natural disasters. Availability has societal benefits and needs to always be a click away.

The Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D) fosters international cooperation to provide the creation, development and improvement of telecommunication equipment and networks in developing countries. ITU-D also facilitates and enhances telecommunic​ations development by offering, organizing and coordinating technical cooperation and assistance activities.​

In November, the global effort will convene for the World Telecommunication Development Conference, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to set the stage for the next phase of objectives in this initiative. NJFX looks forward to following the conversation, developments and helping to drive advancements globally.

To learn more about the ITU, click here. To learn more about NJFX’s global ecosystem, visit


About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

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Zayo Bolsters Fiber Network Capabilities at NJFX Cable Landing Station

Zayo Bolsters Fiber Network Capabilities at NJFX Cable Landing Station

Enables Increased Capacity and Diversity and Offers Customers Access to Four Subsea Cables

February 22, 2021

Wall, NJ – February 22, 2021 – NJFX, the only Cable Landing Station (CLS) colocation campus in the U.S offering Tier 3, carrier-neutral data center capabilities, today announced that Zayo Group Holdings Inc. (Zayo), has expanded its presence at the NJFX CLS with the completion of two, diverse, underground, high-capacity fiber cables interconnecting the NJFX campus to Zayo’s global network. With an anchor point at NJFX, Zayo’s new network infrastructure supports metro and long-haul solutions, both lit and dark, capable of transmitting hundreds of terabytes of data. The expansion also supports Zayo’s Tier 1 IP solutions, offering customers global reach by interconnecting into four subsea cables including Havfrue/AEC-2, Seabras, TGN1 and TGN2.

This new infrastructure enables Zayo’s customers, including over-the-top providers (OTTs), educational entities, financial institutions, government agencies, healthcare systems, gaming platforms and telecommunications providers, the ability to leverage the critical bandwidth needed to support today’s technological innovations.

Zayo’s network spans 13 million fiber miles and 126,000 route miles across 400 markets in the U.S., Canada and Western Europe. The company’s expansion at NJFX CLS enables higher capacity, faster transmission and represents the largest fiber concentration by any carrier at the CLS.

“Zayo is a long-standing collaborator within the NJFX ecosystem and is well-known for delivering mission-critical bandwidth to support leading global companies,” said Gil Santaliz, CEO for NJFX. “We are pleased to host Zayo’s expanded Point-of-Presence at the NJFX CLS, as it fortifies access to their dense metro networks and expansive long haul fiber. Access to high-capacity networks is vitally critical for companies in order for them to leverage the latest in technology such as 5G, IoT, AV and more.”

“The quality, density and diversity of Zayo’s network provides a significant advantage for customers at the NJFX CLS, one of North America’s largest interconnection points,” said Brad Kilbey, Senior Vice President of Zayo Networks, East Region. “Our expanded presence at this unique facility underscores our commitment to supporting companies that are fueling growth and innovation.”

To schedule a virtual tour or conference, please contact For more information, please visit

About NJFX

NJFX owns and operates a 64,800 square foot purpose-built Tier 3 Cable Landing Station (CLS) Colocation facility and campus in Wall, NJ. The unique facility operationally supports high and low-density colocation solutions with 24/7 support. It is the only carrier-neutral CLS colocation campus in the U.S supported by several route-independent carriers that offer direct access to multiple independent subsea cable systems interconnecting North America, Europe, South America and the Caribbean. The facility offers direct access to the Havfrue/AEC2, Seabras, TGN1 & TGN2 subsea cable systems.

About Zayo Group

Zayo Group Holdings, Inc. provides mission-critical bandwidth to the world’s most impactful companies, fueling the innovations that are transforming our society. Zayo’s 126,000-mile network in North America and Europe includes extensive metro connectivity to thousands of buildings and data centers. Zayo’s communications infrastructure solutions include dark fiber, private data networks, wavelengths, Ethernet, dedicated internet access and data center connectivity solutions. Zayo owns and operates a Tier 1 IP backbone and through its CloudLink service, Zayo provides low-latency private connectivity that attaches enterprises to their public cloud environments. Zayo serves wireless and wireline carriers, media, tech, content, finance, healthcare and other large enterprises. For more information, visit


About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

Zayo Bolsters Fiber Network Capabilities at NJFX Cable Landing Station Read More »

Hurricane Electric

Hurricane Electric Expands Global Network to New Jersey With New Point of Presence at NJFX

Hurricane Electric Expands Global Network to New Jersey With New Point of Presence at NJFX

Located in the only Cable Landing Station Colocation Campus in the United States, new PoP will expand access to high-speed IP transit

January 27, 2021

Hurricane Electric

WALL, NJ & FREMONT, CALIF –  Hurricane Electric, the world’s largest IPv6-native Internet backbone, announced today that it has deployed a new Point of Presence (PoP) at NJFX, the only Cable Landing Station (CLS) colocation campus in the U.S offering Tier 3, carrier-neutral data center capabilities. The new PoP is located just 60 miles from Manhattan and is Hurricane Electric’s fifth in New Jersey and 11th in the greater New York City.

Hurricane Electric will leverage NJFX’s network-rich facility to provide high-speed IP transit via its extensive global IPv6 and IPv4 network through 1/10/100GE (Gigabit Ethernet) ports, resulting in reduced latency and improved traffic flow.  Additionally, networks within NJFX’s facility will have a direct path to Hurricane Electric’s global network encompassing more than 250 major exchange points and more than 8,000 different networks. The expansion will also allow Hurricane Electric and its customers to directly interconnect with subsea capacity services across the Atlantic to Ireland, Denmark and Northern Europe.

“We are excited to expand our network to NJFX,” said Mike Leber, President of Hurricane Electric. “Today’s network expansion furthers our goal of providing more connectivity globally to as many enterprises as possible, while satisfying critical bandwidth demands.”

NJFX, home to four subsea cable systems and seven independent U.S. fiber-based backhaul providers, serves as a strategic distribution center for data demarcation into and throughout North America. Its community of carriers make the NJFX CLS a marketplace rich with fiber networks and platforms providing multiple options for routes, security and diversity.

“We are delighted to welcome Hurricane Electric’s robust network to our CLS colocation campus,” said Gil Santaliz, CEO for NJFX. “Today’s expansion will enable access to Hurricane Electric’s rich global network for enterprises and cloud providers within our ecosystem.”

NJFX offers 64,800 square feet of data center space and is the first and only colocation campus physically located at a cable landing station. With Tier 3, carrier neutral data center capabilities, this data center is strategically located to offer direct access to multiple independent subsea cable systems interconnecting North America, Europe, South America, and the Caribbean.

About Hurricane Electric

Hurricane Electric operates its own global IPv4 and IPv6 network and is considered the largest IPv6 backbone in the world. Within its global network, Hurricane Electric is connected to more than 250 major exchange points and exchanges traffic directly with more than 8,000 different networks. Employing a resilient fiber-optic topology, Hurricane Electric has five redundant 100G paths crossing North America, four separate 100G paths between the U.S. and Europe, and 100G rings in Europe, Australia and Asia. Hurricane also has a ring around Africa, and a PoP in Auckland, NZ. Hurricane Electric offers IPv4 and IPv6 transit solutions over the same connection. Connection


About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

Hurricane Electric Expands Global Network to New Jersey With New Point of Presence at NJFX Read More »

United Fiber and Data

NJFX Boosts Its Interconnection Ecosystem with New and Diverse United Fiber & Data Fiber Route

NJFX Boosts Its Interconnection Ecosystem with New and Diverse United Fiber & Data Fiber Route

November 18 , 2020

United Fiber and Data

Wall Township, NJ –  NJFX, the only Cable Landing Station (CLS) colocation campus in the U.S offering Tier 3, carrier-neutral data center capabilities, today announces that United Fiber & Data (UFD) has established a long-awaited, diverse route connecting NJFX to Ashburn, VA. This unique and secure route provides enterprises, content providers, local municipalities, and hyperscalers an alternative from the highly congested I-95 route that many carriers traverse. The new route is 341 miles long and is expected to be ready for service Q4 2020.

UFD’s diverse network connects its dense fiber footprint in New York/New Jersey Metro to Ashburn, Virginia, and provides customers the capability to deploy UFD’s diverse route as a primary or redundant path, without having to double the distance and latency via routes that traverse further west. Customers are now able to leverage UFD’s unique route from Ashburn, VA and extend their global reach from the NJFX CLS in Wall Township, NJ, with options to traverse four independent subsea cable systems including TGN1, TGN2, Seabras, and HAVFRUE/AEC2 – interconnecting North America, Europe, South America, and the Caribbean. In addition, NJFX’s robust ecosystem offers a critical interconnection hub with direct access to more than 10 terrestrial backhaul fiber routes across North America.

“It’s a huge benefit for our CLS ecosystem to have UFD deploy the most unique and diverse route from NJFX to Ashburn, Virginia,” states Felix Seda, General Manager for NJFX. “And since this is a brand-new fiber build with the latest fiber technology and equipment, it is inherently a very fast route. NJFX has developed a critical mass in terms of our connectivity ecosystem, and we look forward to further growth and expanded capabilities of up to 600G from UFD.”

“United Fiber & Data is excited to bring our geographically diverse fiber network and flexible, low latency lit services of 10G and 100G to provide secure, high capacity network connectivity to NJFX and its clients,” said Christopher Lodge, COO and interim CEO of United Fiber & Data. “United Fiber & Data’s fiber infrastructure and scalable capacity on its unique route and the ability to turn up services quickly positions us to be the provider of choice for secure, high capacity, low latency network connectivity.”


About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

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New Age of the CLS

Originally published in SubTel Forum, November 2020, Issue 115

Operating the NJFX CLS Campus

Gil Sanataliz


Originally published in SubTel Forum, November 2020, Issue 115

November 16, 2020

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Keeping The Lights On From 9/11 to Hurricane Sandy, the US has had a number of wake-up calls when it comes to its infrastructure. NJFX

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Verizon at NJFX

Verizon to Establish Network Point-of-Presence at NJFX

Verizon to Establish Network Point-of-Presence at NJFX

Its underground fiber long-haul network is a key asset for secure, resilient infrastructures

October 13, 2020

Verizon at NJFX

Wall Township, NJ –  NJFX, the only Cable Landing Station (CLS) colocation campus in the U.S offering Tier 3, carrier-neutral data center capabilities, today announces that Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) has chosen to deploy a new network Point-of-Presence (PoP) at its CLS campus, providing access to Verizon’s global network. One of the largest communication technology companies in the world, Verizon operates America’s most reliable wireless network and the nation’s premier all-fiber network, delivering integrated solutions to businesses worldwide.

“We are especially pleased that Verizon has chosen to establish a Point-of-Presence at our CLS colocation campus, as one of three current backhaul providers at NJFX with underground fiber for its long-haul routes,” states Gil Santaliz, CEO for NJFX. “It has always been our vision to develop NJFX to become North America’s preeminent international hub for subsea communications, interconnecting many international carriers across three continents with multiple secure and reliable backhaul and U.S. termination options. World-class communications providers such as Verizon, as well as subsea cable operators, enterprises and cloud providers within our CLS ecosystem, recognize that NJFX provides a nexus for collaboration where they can build out new and reinforce existing networks with diverse routes while extending their global reach.”

Leveraging its strategic presence at the NJFX CLS, Verizon will have the ability to directly interconnect with subsea capacity services across the Atlantic to Ireland, Denmark and Northern Europe. Strategically located 64 feet above sea level and Category 5 hurricane resistant, the NJFX CLS campus facility offers direct access to multiple independent subsea cable systems, including AEC-2, TGN1, TGN2, and Seabras. Customers can now access Verizon’s global network at NJFX and interconnect with these four subsea cable systems to Europe and South America. European-based clients can transport data to Verizon’s PoP at NJFX and extend their reach to major U.S. metro markets via seven independent fiber-based backhaul providers available at the CLS colocation campus.

NJFX is unique in that it offers access to underground fiber on a long-haul network from multiple backhaul providers for direct and diverse connectivity to core U.S. markets, including Ashburn, Chicago, Dallas, North Carolina, Philadelphia, and other cities, thereby bypassing common points of network failure such as New York City, Northern New Jersey, and Miami. Access to multiple backhaul routes creates truly diverse options that ensure reliability, availability and security of data transport – a critical requirement for carriers and content providers, financial services, healthcare and other enterprises, as well as government agencies, which depend upon maximum uptime.

“At Verizon, we believe that the network is an engine for business growth and innovation,” comments Lynn Smullen, Division Vice President of Sales at Verizon Partner Solutions, “and in order to serve the needs of global organizations today and into the future requires connectivity that maximizes redundancy and reduces latency while fortifying the security of their international data traffic. The deployment of a new network Point-of-Presence at NJFX will expand our clients’ transoceanic and terrestrial connectivity options, presenting new business opportunities both intercontinentally and across North America in core markets.”

For more information, please visit

About NJFX

NJFX owns and operates a 64,800 square foot purpose-built Tier 3 Cable Landing Station (CLS) Colocation facility and 58-acre campus in Wall, NJ. This unique campus is the only carrier-neutral CLS colocation campus in the U.S supported by several route-independent carriers that offer direct access to multiple independent subsea cable systems interconnecting North America, Europe, South America and the Caribbean. The facility offers direct access to TGN1, TGN2, and Seabras. The building is the subsea cable landing of HAVFRUE/AEC2 this year as well as Wall-LI in the future. High and low-density colocation solutions are available with 24/7 support.

To request a meeting with NJFX executives, please email For more information, please visit

About Verizon

Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ), headquartered in New York City, generated revenues of $130.9 billion in 2018. The company operates America’s most awarded network and the nation’s premier all-fiber network, and delivers integrated solutions to businesses worldwide. With brands like Yahoo, TechCrunch and HuffPost, the company’s media group helps consumers stay informed and entertained, communicate and transact, while creating new ways for advertisers and partners to connect. Verizon’s corporate responsibility prioritizes the environmental, social and governance issues most relevant to its business and impact to society.

VERIZON’S ONLINE MEDIA CENTER: News releases, stories, media contacts and other resources are available at News releases are also available through an RSS feed. To subscribe, visit www.verizon com/about/rss-feeds/.

For NJFX media inquiries, please contact:

For Verizon media inquiries, please contact:
Kevin King

Howie Waterman


About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

Verizon to Establish Network Point-of-Presence at NJFX Read More »

PCCW Global brings global on-demand connectivity to NJFX through new point-of-presence

PCCW Global brings global on-demand connectivity to NJFX through new point-of-presence

September 17, 2020

HKT (SEHK:6823) – HONG KONG, PCCW Global, a leading international communications service provider, and New Jersey Fiber Exchange (NJFX), the only Cable Landing Station (CLS) colocation campus in the U.S offering Tier 3, carrier-neutral data center capabilities, today announced the launch of a new point-of-presence (PoP) at NJFX CLS for direct access to PCCW Global’s MPLS network and the Console Connect platform.

The availability of Console Connect’s Software Defined Interconnection® platform at the NJFX carrier-neutral CLS facility in New Jersey immediately brings connectivity on-demand to NJFX customers, giving them instant and easy access to a global ecosystem of leading cloud, data center, SaaS, UcaaS, IX and IoT partners.

Console Connect’s Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) platform also offers extended coverage to more than 350 data centers in 44 countries worldwide. The automated Console Connect fabric is underpinned by PCCW Global’s industry-leading IP backbone and MPLS network which spans more than 3,000 cities and 160 countries.

Via the new PoP at the NJFX CLS, users can access PCCW Global’s MPLS network – either by using the Console Connect centralized port or by leveraging the open API platform – and directly reach major cities across Africa, Asia Pacific and Latin America. Financial organizations located at NJFX CLS can also leverage the secure, uncontended PCCW Global MPLS network to access financial markets globally.

Mr. Marc Halbfinger, Chief Executive Officer, PCCW Global, said, “Establishing a PoP at NJFX provides Console Connect and PCCW Global users with access to direct, low latency routes to major business hubs along the east coast. At the same time, we are excited to bring Console Connect’s on-demand global connectivity to NJFX customers, who can experience the agility and flexibility of Software Defined Interconnection®.”

NJFX’s carrier-neutral CLS colocation campus offers direct access to multiple independent subsea cable systems interconnecting North America, Europe, South America and the Caribbean. The facility serves a growing ecosystem of global carriers, content providers, enterprises and government entities, and offers access to more than 10 terrestrial backhaul fiber routes across North America.

Mr. Gil Santaliz, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of NJFX, said, “We welcome PCCW Global to NJFX’s rich carrier-neutral CLS ecosystem. Our ‘Tier 3 by the Subsea’ motto emphasizes NJFX’s unique advantage of having diverse interconnection options located at a cable landing station. With PCCW Global, our customers now have increased access to routes across Asia Pacific through their robust global IP network.”

About PCCW Global

PCCW Global is a leading international communications service provider, offering the latest mobility, voice and data solutions to multinational enterprises, telecommunications partners, cloud and application service providers. Our truly global coverage combined with local on-the-ground knowledge has helped us build best-in-class global connections linking Africa, the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe and the Middle East. Our network supports a portfolio of integrated communications services including connectivity, applications, and tailored solutions integrated and orchestrated by the Console Connect on-demand digital Software Defined Interconnection ® platform, one of the first global platforms to fully automate switching and routing of all communications for seamless interconnection.

To learn more about PCCW Global, please visit

About Console Connect

Console Connect is PCCW Global’s Software Defined Interconnection® platform which spans over 40 countries, capitalizing on our low latency, fully-redundant, uncontended global MPLS Network. The Console Connect digital platform allows users to instantly self-provision connectivity between carriers, enterprises, cloud, SaaS, IX, IoT, UCaaS, Security-as-a-service and other network-as-a-service partners in seconds.


About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

PCCW Global brings global on-demand connectivity to NJFX through new point-of-presence Read More »


HawkTalk 52 with Gil Santaliz, CEO at NJFX

HawkTalk 52 with Gil Santaliz, CEO at NJFX

Gil Santaliz


Published by datacenterHawk on September 1, 2020




“Covid has transformed and accelerated the process of which was already happening in terms of workforce enablement, flexibility, and data anywhere.” – Gil Santaliz, CEO for NJFX

Santaliz explains all of this and more in his recent interview with datacenterHawk’s Founder, David Liggit. Check it all out in the Hawk Talk Video Episode 52.

Starting his career with MCI back in 1990, Santaliz commented that the industry has certainly seen a lot change since then, moving from fax machines to the cloud. Years later Santaliz transitioned from the voice side of the industry into fiber infrastructure with his company, 4Connections, which deployed dark fiber routes across New Jersey and New York. His team supported key infrastructure needed to connect hospitals, schools and Cable Landing Stations (CLS). As Santaliz put it, it was the, “true heart of global network infrastructure.” 4Connections was later sold to Optimum Lightpath, a subsidiary of New York cable operator Cablevision (now Altice USA), in 2008.

Santaliz went on to tell the story of how NJFX got its start. The property next to where NJFX resides today was first developed by Tata Communications during the dotcom craze. Subcom had invested in a cable that went from Wall, NJ around the world, anchored by Tata’s substantial Cable Landing Station. NJFX and its partners invested in the property next door to the CLS, built a meet-me-room and in 2015, NJFX was born as the first carrier-neutral CLS campus in the United States.

Making the World a Smaller Place

Today, CLS’s play an important role, as the transmission location for 99% of internet traffic globally. NJFX interconnects three continents with four subsea cables connecting North America, South America, Caribbean and Europe.

It took six to seven minutes to transmit a message across the original subsea cables dating back to the 1800’s. Today, it takes a fraction of a second. “Subsea cables made the world a smaller place,” commented Santaliz.

Impact of Covid 19: Challenges and Solutions

And even though the impact of life during Covid-19 is still evolving, some of the immediate effects we’ve seen include a huge increase of global IP. Gil shared how the pandemic has shown us even more how critical data centers are. The home has become the new disaster recovery site.

“Covid has transformed and accelerated the process of which was already happening in terms of workforce enablement, flexibility, data anywhere,” commented Santaliz.

“Fascinating to see the changes. I’m not sure the world would have moved as quickly obviously into this technology advancement, unless something like this [Covid] was in place,” stated Liggit.

The Who’s Who in Telecom

With a great community of carriers and strategic location 65 feet above sea level, NJFX is actively courting new subsea cables. The company has a proven track record in operating the facility, as well as the land that it owns. As Gil explained, “We have one of the largest banks in the U.S moving in to take advantage of the NJFX infrastructure and to be part of the subsea community. [Organizations] need to know how their networks work. They are no longer able to just be a customer of subsea systems. They need to be actively involved in the design and how that system is managed because they need to be digitally enabled – and that is the magic word today. You have to be digitally enabled in order to be able to conduct busines, educate students and conduct public safety. If you don’t have your connection, you don’t exist, you have got to be connected all the time.”

Liggitt agreed, “That is true. That is the quote of the conversation. You do have to be connected all the time. It is the expectation today in the world we live. It will be fun to watch the growth take place as you are in the middle of it.”

To catch the whole conversation, see below or click here.


About NJFX:

NJFX is a Tier 3 Carrier Neutral Cable Landing Station campus. Our colocation ecosystem has expanded to over 35 network operators offering flexibility, reliability, and security. Our Wall, NJ location provides direct access to multiple subsea cable systems giving our carriers diverse connectivity solutions and offers direct interconnection without recurring cross-connect fees.

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